Pretty much what I said to Stevo a couple of days ago ... Spoiler Cortana will become an actual physical being. The chances are that Chief will need to protect her in the next Halo. Vulnerable Techno-hottie. Sounds good to me.
You're such a ****. Spoiler Saying that... I don't know how hot cortana would look when she isn't blue and naked... save a few opaque lines of data that obscure her bits and pieces Saying that.... it feels kinda wrong perving over an 8 year old................................. :|
Just because she has a cursory role in the books and games doesn't mean they aren't setting her up for more. As I said the game foreshadows her increased involvement in numerous places. Most obvious of those references is that chief promised he'd go to Halsey about Cortana.
Spoiler as long as they don't make her the heroine who saves chief and dies in the process, he is after all her most precious spartan and chose based on his luck. as for digitized dealy, perhaps the ending does elude to the didact not dying. Other thought based on the 2 forerunner books, are we so sure this is the real didact? or the imprinted builder that changed into him and took over cataloging every species with the librarian????
Spoiler Now this is something I don't understand. I swear the original Didact was killed by the Master Builder leaving Bornstellar as the only remaining part of Didact and he falls in love with the Librarian on the Ark. I don't know how the original Didact survives... can anyone enlighten me on this? As far as enemies go, and where the storylines direction can go; the only viable enemies I can see is the Chief himself from the far stretched story I posted before, the secondary Didact (That I swear isn't alive), or potentially the last precursor (which was a manifestation of ones of Didact's first tests with the composer causing it to be horribly disfigured), that was on Installation 03 I believe.
Spoiler The last Precurser was actually a Gravemind, the Primordial, who I think was killed with the firing of the Halos. So I doubt he'll be a new enemy in the series. I have no idea who might be the new enemy, as I never would have guessed we would be fighting the Didact in this game.
Spoiler The Didact we fight is the second incarnation. He was "killed" by Faber after his plan to "save humanity by digitizing them" did not succeed. He fell in love with the Librarian during his first incarnation as the terminals in halo 3 are conversations between the didact and librarian during both incarnations of the didact. The terminals in Halo 4 also show this to some extent. As far as the last precursor, it had nothing to do with anthing the Didact did. The Primordial - Halo Nation
Hmm I think I missed a chapter... Spoiler The Gravemind was killed by a reverse timelock by Didact and Chakas Spoiler Does anyone actually think the Gravemind was actually an infected precursor? I'm back to pondering who or what could the enemy or story be in the next two Halo games now...
Yeah, they sound unlikely... as I can imagine they won't leave any clues as to who or what happens in the next Halo until closer to the time. I just think there's something a little off about the way everything turned out. Spoiler I also dislike the concept of Cortana wrapping chief up in the energy bridge to protect him from the nuclear blast. While it seems like a really cool idea. It's not possible. The energy bridge needs a source of energy and a connection terminal. If the energy bridge can shield something from the blast; it's unlikely the connection points, where it draws it's power from, could possibly withstand the nuclear explosion and this would cut the power to the bridge causing the chief to become unprotected. If the connection points were able to withstand the nuclear blast, the ship would still be completely intact and it wouldn't make a difference... There just appears to be so many loose ends that appear tangled in other parts that seem to contradict things slightly... Someone mentioned that Chakas' digitised form was placed inside Guilty Spark. If that were the case, Guilty Spark would not have been evil as Chakas was loyal to the Human race and still have the Lord of Admirals as his ancestor voice. Chakas also wanted the ring destroyed, not protected. As the digitised versions were just like placing the consciousness of one sentient life into a machine, without it knowing the difference; Chakas wouldn't have known of all the information on the Installations, he wouldn't have referred to the 'Shaping Sickness' as 'The Flood' and he wouldn't have betrayed the Chief or Sargeant Johnson on the Ark.
Spoiler Stevo said: I said that stevo because i remember reading that 343 was telling the oni spooks about everything, he has multiple humans digitized inside him not just chakas aor the lord of admirals, the large green ai from installation 00 made them that way with the help of the precursor or gravemind if you will. All the ai's that are eventually on there own halo's were made from the master builders super ai and the precursor. Thats why 343 goes crazy at the end, he is supposed to help protect humanity but also save the ring he has way too many people shouting at him so he goes berserk. It also tells you or inclines that he hijacked that oni ship to go find "her" meaning the librarian at the ark but she well isn't there anymore lol, also explains how 343 got from delta halo to the ark without miranda or jhonson or the arbiter.
Capn STFU... Which book / articles are you referring to with that storyline? I don't recall ever reading such things? As far as I know, 343 guilty spark was never in ONI captivity?
exactly lol, the last 2 chapters it gets all formal and its 343 on a oni spook ship and he hijacks it. also think there is more info in chronicles 1 and 2 that further 343's testament but i havn't read chronicles 2 just 1.
I don't know if this is also a place to discuss some of the non-pure-story parts of the campaign, but... Spoiler Did anyone else expect the fight against the didact to be anything like a "pull this trigger" at the right time scene, where a promethean grenade acts like a plasma grenade and just blows him off? That button prompt on the screen made me initially think more about how lame it was than how urgent it was. I've seen this in two games before- who thinks that it's fun, exciting, or appropriate? I would have preferred that it be a cutscene or a different playable Halo boss battle. If they already had a way to get around his telekinesis powers (BTW, I didn't even watch a full Star Wars movie- just clips- but that that type of sci-fi alien nemesis character using it reminded me of "the force") by having cortana pin him to the light bridge, they could have given him limited mobility (like normal enemy speed) and firepower, whether it be promethean weapons or his own weaponry. They could have given him the ability to teleport in a couple of power-weapon knights at a time, (a scattershot knight could have teleported directly to you, while a binary rifle or incineration cannon knight could stay back while you moved up), and cortana could have raised a type of damage-limited hardlight shield in the middle of the bridge at one or two places. You could then use those power weapons to kill the Didact, who could still take a ton of damage. Or the knights could have been on the other side of you, point is there were a lot of options for a relatively dynamic yet familiar halo battle, one that surpassed the H3 guilty spark laser battle.
Spoiler I have to agree on being dissapointed with the lack of a boss fight. Halo 2 was my favorite Halo, I'll put that out right now. And a lot of the fanbase seems to agree. It had proper boss fights, awesome levels (even Sniper Alley and such were fun for their challenge), and all sorts of other sweet points to it. Unfortunately, Bungie and 343i HATE Halo 2, and look back on it as some sort of mistake. For this reason, I never got my hopes up for a boss fight against the Didact. I mean, Halo 2 was literally the only game with Bosses. It was awesome for that reason, but the creators don't seem to want to go back to that. On the up side; I liked the post-Didact part, with Master Cheif crawling towards the nuke. I truely made him feel weak, and made the moment very powerful in terms of emotion.
Spoiler I had a different take on the ending, I assumed the master chief died in the explosion, but his consciousness was already transferred into a computer (librarian making him evolve) . I thought the blue hard light shielding was actually him inside the computer world because cortana and the chief were interacting.