Here it is, sadly the whole copy+paste thing messed up my paragraphing. This is an amateur story, not by far worthy, so don't bee a critic. I used halopedia to make sure my facts were straight and the Lawgiver is a real ship in Halo Kig-Yar Rebellion Prologue Location:-Forested outskirts of Voi, Planet Earth Unit:-ICF-093 (Invasion Counter Force) Yak smacked a mosquito biting his thin, leathery arm with an alien curse. They had only been stationed an hour, and the mosquitoes were already swarming their posts. “These buggers are driving me crazy,” hissed Kad, his post mate. He hefted his beam rifle and did another scan of the narrow overgrown path below. Although they were very high ranking in their species, as Kig-Yar Snipers, they still had almost no privileges wherever they went. The unngoy below were yapping loudly but quieted back down when the Jirlhanne Major gave them an angry growl. They were all getting impatient because a large force of marines was supposed to be here 15 minutes ago. Suddenly Kad spotted the marines far up on the path and signaled the jirlhanne. The Major pointed at the marines and gave a threatening roar. The whole post opened fire. The unngoy fired rapid pink needles, the jirlhanne with his twin brute spikers peppered marines down, and Yak and Kad fired with deadly accuracy with their beam rifles. The post began to win, but suddenly a sangheili roar answered the jirlhanne’s and blue and red elites began pouring around the corner with carbines and plasma rifles. Six carbine shots rang out and ripped right through the Major’s shield, killing him instantly. The remaining marines lobbed their grenades and took out the unngoys, who were running about in a panic. The two kig-yar had withdrawn to a nearby shallow cave, where they waited for the marines to pass. They heard a voice ring out. “There were two jackals, firing at us from above, let’s hunt them down so they don’t destroy our supplies coming in.” Another voice answered him, in a more commanding voice. “We have men dying out there in Voi; we don’t have time to hunt down two weak dirtbags. Move out!” They heard the thumps of many boots, and a rumble as a tank and four warthogs rolled by. “What do we do now?” hissed Kad. “Destroy their supplies’ coming in, that’s wha—“ Yak was suddenly aware of a whistling noise that had suddenly stopped. He slowly peeked over the edge. A bullet ricocheted off the rock in front of his face. A marine had stayed behind to secure the supply lines. Yak ducked back flicked on his gauntlet shield, and drew his carbine and returned to the edge. Kad did the same and joined him. “Hah, you sneaky little monsters. I knew you stayed behind and left your post.” The marine yelled out. He had lost his helmet and had an orange spike protruding from his leg. The two opened fire on his with their carbines, but he ducked behind a rock. “Well, guess what? The next shipment is bringing in thermal helmet sights. You can’t hide from that, can you?” Kad kept him busy with the occasional shot fired near him, while Yak, leapt down without a sound and crept towards the marine’s cover. “The helmets are coming in about five minutes, can you wait that long, what are you goin—“He let out a shriek. The marine tried to fire at Yak but he was to slow. Yak sunk his teeth into his shoulder and stabbed him in the neck with his energy combat knife. He swallowed the chunk of meat. The two kig-yar gathered all the grenades they could and set a plasma grenade’s timer to ‘mine setting’. Then they ran back up to the cliff and watched. A flatbed, treaded truck came roaring around the corner full of boxes, and with 6 marines sitting with their feet dangling off the side. It sped towards the pile and hit it head on. The truck stopped. They heard a ‘pop’ sound and the engine started to smoke. One of the marines gave a curse and jogged to the front of the truck. He reached under and pulled out the plasma grenade. A large explosion ripped through the length of the truck, launching all the marines in different directions. A rain of fire came down as more explosions rang out from the truck. Yak and Kad opened fire on all the surviving marines until they were all dead, and gave a shrill cry of victory. Chapter 1 It had been 2 days since Yak and Kad had been picked up by a phantom over the pass on the outskirts of Voi. They were now at some covenant outpost in the continent called South Africa, but the kig-yar of the large outpost did not like life in there. The kig-yar had taken to calling other covenant species by their human given names. The brutes of the post were not kind. No brutes are kind. The Chieftain used the lesser races as cannon fodder and his own personal slaves. Yak was riding on the side of a ghost with a grunt driving, along with two other ghosts with kig-yar on the side, scouting the area. He saw a scene of battle up ahead, so he signaled the grunts to stop. Two lone hunters had ripped through the squad of marines leaving none alive. Yak walked up to one of the bodies, and picked up his pistol. It was a modified version with a silencer and longer range capabilities. All the marines had one. He proceeded to pick up each one and place it in his salvage bag. There were 12 in total. Making sure the grunts weren’t looking he ventured behind a rock and drew one from his bag. It was lightweight and felt at ease in his hand. He turned on his zoom visor and took aim at a bird. He pulled the trigger and he felt almost no recoil as the bullet tore right through the bird’s wing. It fell to the ground without a sound. He silently placed it back in his pack and hopped back to the ghost. “Nothing here,” Yak growled. When they got back to the base the kig-yar all went to their own sector, where all the kig-yar feed and sleep. They were all conversing and Yak made his way to the middle of them. He cried of in a series of shrill growls and everyone fell silent. “Who is sick of our mistreatment here?” he proclaimed. “We all are,” A kig-yar at the front hissed. A chorus of approval backed his statement. “I have the answer to our troubles, to our mistreatment right here,” he continued as he pulled out the pistol, “This human weapon is way better than any junk our leaders give us. This is more accurate, more deadly than any beam rifle or carbine.” A hush fell across the room. “We shall prepare ourselves with these, which you will find on scouting operations. There is are two boarding craft in our post’s shipyard, and cloaked in orbit right now, the covenant carrier Lawgiver waits unmanned. Our numbers are enough to control that carrier with extra hands ready to take over when needed. We will wait a day and then silently seize the boarding craft. The Kig-Yar race will rise again and colonize a far off planet! This is our future! We will rise!!!” The kig-yar in the room stood stunned. Everyone nodded in agreement and Yak left them to their hushed whispering. Chapter 2 The time came the next day when all the kig-yar in the building came to him. Everyone had found their pistol and raised it up in salute. He beckoned for ten of them to follow him and they ran out the door to the desert wasteland. They headed for the shipyard and turned on their visors. Only one Brute Major was guarding each boarding craft, because there were no humans spotted for 3 days. They all fired at the same time and he fell, full of bullets. They shot the next guard and signaled the kig-yar at the door they came from, watching them. A sea of bodies swarmed towards the now open boarding craft. He spotted Kad, and told him to pilot the other ship. He rushed off, opened the hatch and entered. Yak ushered kig-yar in, until the ship was getting full, then he directed the rest to Kad’s ship. Then he rushed in, closed the door and ran to the cockpit. Two kig-yar were already there, because they were the most experienced pilots. He ordered them to get the ship into space as fast as possible and told Kad over the comm to do the same. Both craft lifted off, just as waves of brutes and grunts came pouring out. The plasma turrets of the base came online just too late and their bullets came short of the ship. The pilots turned on all systems and they broke out into space. There were constant readings flashing across the projected viewscreens. A passcode flashed across the screen and suddenly the cloaked Lawgiver appeared in front of them. They steered towards one of four entrance hatches and began the lock-on procedure, with Kad close behind. The ship finally latched on with a hiss. The whole craft then proceeded to fold up intricately and fold against the carrier, becoming part of the ship. The green light flashed above them and they went to the boarding doors. The kig-yar in the hold were already there, but they let Yak in to open the door. He gave them direct orders as the shipmaster to report to the great hall for assignments and ranking procedures. He pulled the hatch lever and it hissed open. With cries of joy they swarmed aboard the ship in different directions. Soon Kad’s crew swarmed aboard and rushed all over the ship. Yak and Kad took the long walk to the control room where they sat in front of the front viewscreens and activated the ship. Yak and Kad began entering data into the system and receiving information. The cargo bay held 50 phantoms, 140 ghosts and 50 banshees. It also contained enough room for 1400 troops, and had 500 large multi-personnel orbital drop pods. Yak finally gave the ship the order to enter slipspace and it lurched forward into the unknown.