Halo RolePlay

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by blacksmith, Jul 2, 2008.

  1. blacksmith

    blacksmith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    (( Find the rules of RolePlaying at the following URL...
    ...this is a halo-based RolePlay, for those literate people with a liking towards writing. Remember, this is a serious RP. No goofing-off. Humor in the dialogue is perfectly acceptable. Create your character within your writing. As your post progresses, describe him in every way possible. This is excluding the character profiles portion of the RP FAQ in the linked thread above. I'll try to get it started as best as I can as an example. ))

    The yellow horizon of XXI Safari, as the humans had named it, was flickering against the burning silhouette of an ominous mountain range. The distant land was painted with the pastels of the four fiery suns that eclipse the heavenly body in everlasting day. Field Commander Vezerre brandished his sapphire-blue energy sword from a forested mountaintop. He and his squad had been dispatched into the wilderness to scout out uninhabited UNSC territory due to the sudden suspicions of surviving Jiralhanae troops.

    "Commander Vezerre, suspected activity to the north. I've dispatched two snipers to investigate. Take a look for yourself." The deep Sangheili tone rang in Vezerre's hollow ears as he grasped his “unocular” in three bony fingers, lifting the crystalline lens to his yellow eye. And just as his warrior had foretold, there he saw dancing shadows deep within the trees below.

    "Brutes, no doubt." He turned his head to stare his Field Sergeant in the face, both their mandibles hung loosely, ready to give orders.

    "Take five more soldiers and circumnavigate them from the east. We'll meet up at their flank. Good luck, Sergeant Chzenzo."

    "Good Luck, Commander."

    The two nodded in their departure and trudged off to opposite sides of the mountain, dividing their troops with certain caution. They stood at the feet of the rock giant, glaring into the jungle in which brute blood would be spilled. The green of the forestation would soon be bleached with crimson.

    Vezerre glanced over his warriors with his blade lowered to his side. They had no scarcity in supplies, ensured by the cloaked phantom dropship far overhead and out of sight. Every few clicks they would exchange words for safety purposes, but breaking radio silence was sure to get those Jiralhanae thugs in a frenzy.

    "You friend," Vezerre pointed his slender finger towards a strong-looking elite with a carbine, "and you." The Commander scrutinized a tall Sangheili with his hands on a needler. "I want you two to position yourselves on the western side of the brute camp. Stay silent and spread out." He paused, then added, "And you make the first shot." pointing to the one with the carbine.
    His shadowy group released its two spies into the depths of the jungle as the whole slowly crept along. Their creed hung in their heads solemnly, to never fear death, and to never give up. To deal your blows swiftly, and to kill without hesitation. As their thick feet brushed past ferns and shrubs, and as yellow rays of fire pierced through the lush canopy overhead, a grumble sounded in the distance. In milliseconds the squad divided fell into the undergrowth, out of sight and soundless. The brutes were near, very near. The sounds of their carnal cries were as thick as the greenery.

    And then, the booming thunder of a falling tree. The cracking of its fibers, and the explosion of its collision with the earth. A nearby elite glanced over at Vezerre from their hidden position with a puzzled countenance. "Are they razing trees over there?" was his question, and spoken a bit too loudly. The grumbling silenced, and the agitation of tree bows and tall grass began to bend in their direction. They were suspected, and has to act quickly.

    He mumbled softly into the comm. set in his helmet, and his mandibles slithered back and forth as Vezerre's vocal chords chimed in frantic orders. "Stay below the bushes. Crawl further north. We'll have to be fast and silent. No more talking, only hand signs." His statement snapped shut as he began to shimmy further towards the horizon that was now barred by tree trunks. The calm veil of wavering ferns was all that he could sooth the tension with. He couldn't risk exposure until everyone was in position. A casualty was just as awful as a failure.

    A flicker on his comm. and his ears perked up. Who was breaking radio silence? His Field Sergeant spoke, "We're in position. Where are you Commander?" Just then the brutes nearby fired off into the trees. Pikes and percussion grenades shattered tree bark and splintered their bows as a stray spike impaled the dirt beside Vezerre. He lurched in surprise, his sudden jump revealing his position to the sentinel brutes watching nearby. The armor of his soldiers and himself were too out of date, and were not equipped with active camouflage. What a shame, it could have saved the lives of these warriors.

    Vezerre jumped up into the tree branches above as his soldiers opened fire. The two exchanged rounds, both disorientated from the situation. The Field Commander leapt back and forth from branch to branch, until he stood above the first of an army of brutes. He let his slender body fall from its perch with his sword poised to strike. It's omnipotence was as powerful as a gunshot, and when it collided with thick Jiralhanae hide...

    (( I'll pick up later. I hope you all get the idea. ))

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