We all know about Halo Reach right? Well have you ever thought about Halo Wars vehicles in a while, I want to see those in an upcoming Halo game. I highly doubt that the vehicles will appear in Reach but I want to know what it is like to drive them. In conclusion I think that the vehicles should appear again as at least a cameo in Reach, who thinks the same?
Never before has somebody introduced a query, and concluded a sentance-worth of explanation with an almost, longer sentance. Well for that to happen, Bungie would have to dodge a fair few lawsuites for copyright infringement. Perhaps they could talk their way into it, but still they would face ridicule for not just coming up with their own ideas or using original weapons and vehicles (you know, the ones that we enjoyed Halo in the first place for?) To conclude, na.
Copyright infringement? I think not, bungie was nice enough to let ensemble use the halo setting with characters and such that were created by bungie, it would be the least they could do to let them use what they created... But I'm not saying that it'll happen, it probably won't. In fact, if there are vehicles that weren't in the previous games, they will be completely new to us most likely... And covenant.
1. Bungie could use anything in Halo Wars if they wanted, because they MADE Halo. 2. Ensemble split into two smaller studios, one is Robot Entertainment, which is one of the companies in 343 Industries. Halo Wars 2? 3. This sounds like a great Idea. I'd love to pilot a Hawk!
They are, and they did. But I would doubt that we wouldn't get a Cobra or something in Reach. If anybody thinks it Wouldn't happen because of copyright isn't thinking straight. Halo belongs to bungie and bungie was nice enough to allow ensamble to borrow it, and ensamble is dead.
I know it proboably will not happen, but imagine it. Driving in a wolverine destroying phantoms in some kind of level, wouldn't it be cool?
screw the wolverine i want the rhino. Or piloting a covenant w/e they are called would be nice, i had started a thread on halo reach vehicles and speculations with a whole list of known UNSC and Covie vehicles. It would be cool if bungie used these but im leaning more to 343 doing something with them. In my honest opinion reach will have Warthogs, maybe the infamous jungle hog that never got put in and maybe a new atv variant but other than that it will be the same vehicles.
I'm not too sure of all of the Halo Wars vehicles except the Hawk, which is unfair in ALL ways, Hawk would be good in campaign in Reach but not in multiplayer, the hornet is just OK for transporting a couple dudes and has teh rocketz.
Hornet + Homing Rockets = Unfair to all vehicles I would love to see Halo Wars vehicles in Reach, but they probably won't do that because it'll make us too happy.
Maybe some of them, but most are pretty cheap. Assault ships with needler canons and tanks with two barrels? Sounds too EXTREME for multiplayer.
I would enjoy piloting a hawk on Reach, as well as blowing the living daylights out of Covie's with Grizzlies.
Lots of misconceptions in this thread. Bungie doesn't own Halo, Microsoft does. That was part of their deal when Bungie split off into its own company, that Microsoft gets the Halo franchise rights. Microsoft just gives Bungie the shooters to build, they could just as easily go to EA with it or something like that.
Um Microsoft had the selling rights to halo, remember Marathon, that was the basis for Halo. Halo = Bungies you are right, Microsoft has the selling rights meaning that when 343 takes over oh after reach par say, that they can only allow the game to be built for xbox. But Microsoft does not own halo. They only own the selling rights. As for the vehicles and such remember people there is planned 6 more years of Halo so the Halo wars vehicles are probably meant to be implimented a little at a time.
Locusts are the only vehicle i could imagine seeing in another Halo game. Just because they seem like a worthy objective in a fight against a wave of Covy. Remember no matter what Reach will have to have some sort of objective based around protecting the reactors and ground MAC cannons firing into the sky. ... For those reading the book. This is a very epic battle, if anything can compare, IF reach is a battle for the fight for earth, remember the covy thought that Reach was the humans home world because of how much of a resistance the put up for it. That simple idea is going to be posing for bungie to put to words. I hope they can match a simple expectation. Wolverines, or cobra's do not seem like a very good vehicular to attack, and doing so means I can not see you sporting around in a level driving them. What I would imagine more, is Mac-cannons and many more BANGS.. on the planet. Releasing we have spartan's still on the ground makes me wonder if this is more of a post reach battle. That would seem much more disappointing, but I'm open to anything. Lets sit back and wait.
The only vehicles that I would want to see are Pelicans and perhaps Vultures. Heavy Air vehicles are awesome and would be incredibly fun to use as transport units for massive amounts of players.
Like I said I would like halo wars vehicles but the vulture is WAAAAAY too overpowered, it made halo wars suck even more because you could fill your entire army with it (I do it a lot, I get about 6 vultures)