I dunno why you guys are arguing over continuity in the games... lol... I mean, come on, there's some continuity that is needed, sure, but would you honestly rather perfect continuity over a better looking and better playing game? XD I think it's silly to expect them not to put it the newer weapons from Halo 3 and remove the shitty ones that have been plaguing the game since dual wielding was added. -cough-lameassSMG-cough- Anyway, continuity is great, but give them a break... --- Oh and yeah, no missile pod, rocket launcher has tracking.
Yes, it does. If you watched the new videos about Reach on Halo Waypoint, you would see a Spartan fire a rocket at a Banshee on Boneyard. The Banshee had the Missile Pod lock-on symbol over it, and the rocket fired, curved, and blew up the Banshee.
The SMG was actually good, it was a better close range weapon than the AR. It should have been H3's start weapon (if it wasn't going to be the BR)
gonna add to that, plasma launcher has lock-on for both infantry and vehicles. already mentioned, but rockets have lock on for vehicles, just not for infantry.
The SMG is a horrible start weapons. How are you suppose to defend yourself at mid to long range with that thing as you just spawn. Pretty much impossible. It's a horrible weapons for this game. If you're close enough to use the SMG effectively, you're too close.
Maybe if there werent 28903 battle rifles on the map, you wouldnt have to worry so much about defending yourself from the instant go. Halo 2 maps for the most part had like a battle rifle or two and that was it. It wasnt a main weapon.
It's got nothing to do with that. Halo 3 isn't about fighting each other from a meter away. There are plenty of weapons that can kill you incredibly easy if you have an SMG. If I see someone with an SMG, they're dead within 5 seconds of picking it up. Not to mention that it isn't the point anyway. Whether the game is about SMG's or BR's. The BR is better than the SMG, full stop. 5 shots to the head in a standard game with a BR and you're down. SMG wont stand a chance at any range except for hand shaking range. (Not to mention that if you're using an SMG, you almost always combine it with a beat down to finish the kill) List of weapons that a beats an SMG: Battle Rifle Assault Rifle Carbine Needler Shotgun Sword Mauler Sniper/human and non Any Grenade Any vehicle List of weapons that an SMG beats: Oh right...
Correct me if Im wrong. Halo 2 is the only game to have SMG starts. Halo 2 is the world reknown favorite, and also the one everyone said played the best.
SMG starts make players feel like they're gimped until they pick up a second one. Regardless of BRs, feeling gimped on spawn is not good game design.
That has nothing to do with a single weapon, that argument is so flawed. Halo 2's success and renown love has nothing to do with the SMG. Also, if you played Halo 2 in it's lasts days you will have read the little "tip" in the lobby that Bungie had written. Something along the lines of "SMG starts, we know it was a mistake". So even Bungie acknowledged how bad it was.
Eh, its all a matter of opinion. I feel I do better with SMGs to be honest, and I know a handful of players who feel the same. I will go out of my way to pick them up if i can.
Yeah, in Halo 3 I typically drop an AR for an SMG too, like you. The difference between that and spawning with the SMG is that there's a satisfaction to be had from upgrading your AR. The AR feels like a complete gun already, which you can upgrade if you want. The SMG feels like half a gun that you have to complete before you can play the game effectively.
According to your Service Record you rarely use the SMG. Infact in ranked matches you only use it 0.87% of the time and in social matches you only use it 2.54% of the time to get your kills. It's 19th in your list of weapons.... Sure that's higher than mine, at 0.05% and 0.86% but I mean according to your record you don't use it anywhere near as much as you're saying you do. Meh whatever, I'm just glad dual wielding and the SMG won't be in Reach to be honest. In my opinion (and apparently Bungie's) it's a waste of space.
You're wrong . A) Only people who like Halo 2 more think that everyone else feels the same. I prefer the gameplay of 3, and there's some heavy weight support for this standpoint as well. B) I never thought I'd say this, but you sound like an MLG forum kid. "Halo 2 was better overall, therefore any given aspect of Halo 2 is better than the corresponding decision made in Halo 3". But yeah, in all honesty I do quite like the SMG in its own right, I drop my AR for one a decent amount as well (though the fact that I barely use the AR in the first place decreases the merit of this point I suppose...). I think of it like a mauler round spread out a little, but pretty inevitably with a beatdown for the actual kill. But much as I HATE the Halo 3 AR at it's worst, I still think it's a better automatic all around utility weapon than the SMG. I've been watching a lot of the new footage throughout today and more than anything just can't wait to try out the DMR and Needle Rifle, they look like a lot of fun.
Not to ignore most of your post, as I'm over the silly SMG talks, THIS AND THIS! DMR looks like fun, and the Needle Rifle............ WHAT CAN I SAY!?! A BR had kinky sex with a Needler and this popped out. I love it <3 I can't wait to spray some of that pink mist... Wow that sounded dirty and kinda gross.
The SMG is overpowered by other guns at most long ranges as you said. But within the range that 90% of bullets can effectively hit the target, dual SMG's kill faster than a BR four-shot, and this range is greater than people usually think. Sorry but this actually all depends on the range. If you stick to the cover and draw an enemy into a close range battle the SMG will beat the AR BR and Carbine every time. Does anyone know about the maximum curve rate of the plasma launcher and rocket launcher shots? Are these basically a guaranteed kill once fired?
If you checked out my service record, which in my opinion was the most wasteful thing you ever couldve done with your time, then you'd also notice that I have played like a bajillion more custom games than matchmaking games. I rarely play matchmaking. Just because YOU dont like the SMG and dual-wielding, doesnt mean other people dont either. Thats basically been my main point the whole time.