Halo Reach TU 1

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by cory21, May 23, 2011.

  1. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    These aren't real BTW...

    Weapon updates

    DMR and Nerfle
    -Bloom is heavily reduced. It now takes about 7 shots to reach the maximum reticule bloom.
    -However, with every shot, the autoaim is slightly decreased, similarly to bloom. If you shoot rapidly, there will be no auto-aim after 4 shots.
    -DMR damage vs vehicles is decreased 40%.

    Assault Rifle
    -Bloom is decreased, autoaim decreases with every shot.
    -Now takes 17 bullets to kill a Spartan; was 18
    -Damage vs vehicles increased 30%.

    -Autoaim slightly reduced.
    -Damage vs vehicles reduced by 30%

    -Bloom is decreased, autoaim decreases with every shot.

    Frag Grenades
    -Damage decreased so one grenade will only reduce shields, not health.

    Plasma Repeater
    -Projectiles travel 10% faster.
    -17 projectiles to kill a Spartan
    -Bloom is decreased, autoaim decreases with every shot.

    Vehicle Updates

    -Reduced 'floatiness.' (You know what I mean)
    -Improved auto-aim for chain-gun, however auto-aim decreases as the gun overheats.

    -Maneuvers use up 25% of the Boost
    -Banshee Bomb has a 10 second recharge timer.

    -Main cannon is a little less accurate
    -Firing rate slightly decreased.


    -Main cannon is a little less accurate

    -Back and better than ever.

    Armor Abilities
    Armor Lock
    -When a player Armor locks for more than 2.5 seconds, a stun effect is added for 1.5 seconds, similar to the stun effect when a player is vehicle jacked.

    Drop Shield
    -Shield strength drastically reduced. One Frag grenade and a melee would break the shield.
    - Recharge rate is increased.

    -Evade distance decreased for Spartans.

    Player models

    -Headshot-based weapons that land on the body do less damage. (It takes one more DMR shot on the body to kill)
    -Speed increased by 5%.


    Action Sack
    -Removed 'To the Death.'
    -Added Race, along with 4 Race maps.
    -Added Rocket Race

    Team Classic

    -Added a bunch of new forge maps
    -Recover time for flag is now 5 seconds.

    -Improved idle detector
    -Soft kill Zones added in certain areas.
    -Replaced Rocket Hog with Chain Gun Hog in Beachhead and Unearthed.
    1st round: no skulls
    2nd round: Tough Luck
    3rd Round: Tough Luck, Catch.
    4th Round: Tough Luck, Catch, Cloud.
    5th Round: Tough Luck, Catch, Cloud, Thunderstorm.
    6th Round: Tough Luck, Catch, Cloud, Thunderstorm, Mythic.
    -Lives are now player based, and not shared. Hero medals can still respawn players without lives.

    Living Dead
    -Removed all default maps; added 7 new Infection forge maps.

    Squad Battle
    -Replaced Squad Slayer-CTF, King of the Hill, and Assault added.
    -Loadouts are Sprint, Jetpack, Hologram.
    -1 Frag Grenade at spawn.

    Team objective
    -More emphasis put on KoTH, CTF, and Assault.
    -Removed Drop Shield and Armor Lock.
    #1 cory21, May 23, 2011
    Last edited: May 23, 2011
  2. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ; )
  3. Reign

    Reign Forerunner

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    This would be nice, but Bungie and 343 probably aren't going to change anything.
  4. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    I disagree with bloom decreasing. I think instead, bloom should actually be increased, growing exponentially, to further promote pacing. That way, a little faster than full reset would not really be affected but full out spam would be really ineffective. This is similar to the pistol, as full spammers miss drastically unless fighting close range, and pacers beat them at any other range. Decreasing bloom only promotes spamming and would make the DMR more effective against other weapons, possibly to the extent where it trumps most of the weapon sandbox.

    Oh, and repeaters are actually a 7 shot kill as is. 3 to break shields, 4 to kill. Same damage as plasma pistol. I agree with faster projectile velocity though.

    Armor Lock, Armor Lock. I like the stun effect idea, but personally I think removing the 360 turn out of AL and having AL's EMP break the users shields is a good solution.

    Yes, I know this isn't real. Just my two cents.
  5. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay, think about this: One of the things that people complain the most about bloom is that it makes the game less fun and more random. If you've ever watched a MLG Live Stream (I've watched half of one), you'd know that 'pros' never pace their shots; they fire their shots off as fast as possible. It's possible for a skilled player who's losing by one shot to win a battle, and it's possible for a skilled player who's winning by one shot to lose a battle.

    Slowly decreasing per shot auto-aim would be a much better solution. A player who spams his shots will still have an accurate gun (the size of the 4th shot would be nearly equivalent to the size of 2nd shot now). However, their gun would seem more 'slippery', since the auto-aim would slowly decrease after every shot, of course it would come back a second after the last shot. Pacing the shots and still killing the enemy would actually be a skillful feat. Alternatively, pacing your shots would make for a more accurate and easier to use gun.

    Slightly increasing the damage to all the medium range weapons (AR, Plasma Repeater) along with reducing bloom is to help counter the changed DMRs and Nerfles.

    Halopedia says 18.

    Removing the 360 turn wouldn't be a idea, but the camera rotation has become sort of 'iconic.' Breaking the player shields would make Armor Lock hardly viable anymore.

    Adding a stun effect after excessive use of Armor Lock would still make AL viable to a player with quick reflexes. However, to the player who spams it waiting for a teammate to cleanup his enemies, AL would provide a much larger risk v reward.
  6. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    Bungie. Your headshot "detector" sucks.
    Fix it. NAO!

    Only a saint would implement all of these changes.

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