Im just wondering if anyone is planning on remaking guardian or construct in halo reach within a few weeks of the release. I really liked those maps, and just want to know whos fileshare to watch for them.
you can always search this forum and id say try it about a week after release, youll probably find some, although the quality probably wont be amazing.
I plan on making a guardian remake. I have two other maps to work on before that though. I might be able to start working on it about a week after the release.
i'm probably going to make a map very similar to guardian (or a Re-make, i haven't decided yet). along with a remake of my Harvester map (only for Reach not Halo 3). other than that i have no plans. but both harvester and guardian are sky maps (well guardian will probably be made on the peak of the island mountain) so after that i'll want to mess about on the ground level and stoof. but good call, because both Construct and Guardian are very fore-runner style structures.
Any maps made in the first few months or so wont be the best of maps but if your just looking for the basic map, Go for it I don't know anyone who is but I'm sure there will be.
But you can search for maps in game can't you? Well, you can search for tags so I'm sure that if after a week you search for "Guardian Remake" something will come up.
I plan on remaking Contsruct. With the AA's how close quarters it was doesn't seem much like an issue anymore. I just need to figure out the size of it first. Been fiddling with a sketchup version for a week now, still doesn't seem right.