I don't have the best editor or anything until I get my new laptop, but here you go. Some clips are paused for a little on accident, feedback is appreciated. Shik's Ninjatage- Halo Reach Ninja Montage - YouTube Enjoy, sorry for no 360 ninjas, I play on 4 sens.
I loved doing this too when I still played Matchmaking in Reach. And a great video! I liked. But I felt that there wasn't much variation, except for the concussion one and the one on the railing. It's basically just a lot of the same thing. It would've been cool if you had one or two extremely weird or amazing clips. Also, it's a little bit annoying that the music already ended before the video was completely done. EDIT: lol just got an idea. You should've shown a few epic fails at the end of the video!
The music cutting out early for the clips bothered me as well. It was rushed in a way because wmm sucks and the clips wouldnt go properly unless I cut them.
Woah, you werent kidding when you said you had alot of ninja clips. I really like the concussion rifle one.
Whenever I try to do something like this I always end up jumping in front of the guy like a noob. I really enjoyed it, good choice of music to go with the video. How long did it take you, to put all the clips together and how many clips were there anyway?
I have a ton more clips and I still get a lot of ninjas playing matchmaking, but in this video there was about 33to clips. It took a bit of time to put together cause, my computer sucks and ididnt have the best editor. ...ssorry for my spelling or grammar, im posting this from my phone.