People would brag about about cool they were for being a 'ninja' and i find people who brag about digital armor somewhat annoying to say the least.
Lol well im against dinosaurs as well crypto, i dislike how their heads are in different locations. For mlgpro awesomesauce tryhards like me every little detail matters, no matter how small ;D
Man I've I could of used that pic a bunch of times but I didn't save it. thanks for finding it for me . My guess/hope is that we choose where we want our emblem Nice collection there there's been fair few armor pieces in videos and pictures that I've either missed the threads about or people have been ignoring them, Would be good to get some clear pics of them. hint hint wink wink anyone You must hate how the elites necks don't take any damage and the bullets go strait though then .
I personally thought that the EVA helmet was worse than Hyabusa. I thought the elites were pretty cool in Halo 3 and they look amazing in Reach.
Noooooo i am against any and all forms of elite armor because of how competitive i am. They are so much harder to kill, and it makes the game unfair. But luckily for me eliets are only allowed in some competitive games and invasion which means i dont have to deal with them unless i choose to!
Yep, but it still pisses me off when i have an amazing overkill-exterm lined up and some stupid elite comes in and causes my four shot to turn into a six shot Six shot ftw isnt really montage material lol. Elites mess up stuff like that.
Well yes, EVA was horrible, as was CQB. The thing that makes hyabusa the worst is the amount of people that wear it and how cool they think they look in it
You realize that the Elite/Spartans differences Traits wise all can be changeable, To make them even Traits wise. (Example Health Regeneration Traits,Damage Resistance Traits 2 main differences) Only difference would be elites size so they would be easier to kill and have bigger heads.
Bungie stated early on in production that the matchmaking is going to primarily be matches made up of only spartans and only elites because in comparison the elites in reach are harder to kill and are more lethal.
This isn't an MLG hate elites cause they are giant babies thread. Go start that in Halo General Discussion. This is for people, like me, who actually care about the armor in reach. Here are the elites that have been shown, cart. There are 7 blanked spaces when choosing an elite skin, which means Bungie is still hiding two variants from us. You cannot mix and match elite armor like with spartans. You simply pick which elite you want to be, and you are given that whole set of armor. The colors your elite is are based on whatever colors you gave your spartan. This one is the limited/legendary only skin.