I'm just hoping that we can change it in custom game rules like in halo 3 there was "Forced armor color" In Reach I hope there is "Forced Armor color" and "Forced Armor Effect" and possibly even "Forced Armor" It would work well a lot of things main thing that comes into mind is infection, Zombies are Forced to have the green fog. Reason it could be possible: Juggernaut in beta the Juggernaut had "Forced Armor effect" set to "Flames"
We aren't seeing emile's face because, if it is even an actual choice, it will take a ton of credits to unlock it and these are all the choices you see when you first put in the game
Firefight voice for both of them. But Master Chief maybe super secret hush hush on the low special expensive Firefight character. You know their twisted enough to pull this!
Since Bungie's giving out flaming now, all I have to say is imagine what kind of armor effect Bungie employees will get! They'll probably be running around there helmets made out of laser beams and kittens!
Those two renders are completely outdated and The chief has the same battle damage from Halo 3. I guarantee you that they are just voices for firefight. Also, how the hell would you use cortana in firefight? lol
I was just meaning MC. And it would make sense for a old render as opposed to a new one. Consider if we saw a MC with super render people would instantly think of a new firefight character. But were to smart for them...
That would be sweet. I'm hoping that there is 2 kinds of armor effects. 1) The one's you use in matchmaking and can choose/buy etc. Only effects head. 2) Ones that effect your whole body like how the juggernaut was on fire. Has to be forced on buy a game type. WAIT!!!! Maybe effects aren't present in matchmaking. Lets face it? It wouldn't be halo if every single spartan has lightning/fire/green smoke/whatever else coming off there helmet would it? Would bungie even consider doing this? I think not! The effects become active when you say, become juggernaut! In custom games you would have an option to force one or make them have the one that they have on.I'm betting all the matchmaking one's will be the one you have. Maybe the fire you get from legendary is the only one actually one your head? That might be the only one usable whenever. We could still get fire for an all over body effect!
No it clearly said that those pics were everything that is visible from the start in the armory. The only things in the armory are armor perms, armor effects, and then firefight voice at the end. I suppose anything is possible, but that picture has no indication toward any actual character models. Your logic about the renders makes no sense. And im not completely sure what your last sentence means, perhaps im reading it wrong. Also, on another note, the green smoke seems to be flood contamination. Watch the cutscene at the end of "the covenant." When the gravemind is starting to take over truth's body, his head looks like that. Also it sort of comes of the bodies and mouths or heads of the combat forms, but less noticeably.
I was also thinking there could be a option like "Armor Effects: ON/OFF" for serious matchmaking and customs.
@Wood Wonk; Read a little higher, I said they were both voices. And what I mean by renders was thaat 'thesilencebroken' said "those two renders are completely outdated". And I was just saying if they did pull a MC, they obviously wouldn't put up a new Reach graphics render, that would be to much of a giveaway that he'd be a special character. So it would make sense to use a older render.
All this is just amazing but what are the 2 skulls with crossbones and confetti that would be awesome if instead of grunt b day party it was for the spartan so when u got a headshot on one . boom confetti!?
I'm saying its an outdated render, meaning theres no MC in the game. It's just a picture placeholder for the voice you can choose. If he was in the game, even slightly, there would be a newer updated version of him.
And what i'm saying is that if they put a newer version of him, it would be a large hint to him being in-game. Then everyone would know. I mean, why would they update a picture if it's just a voice?
Strangly enough, every time tsb has guaranteed something he has turned out correct. So, i will learn from my past mistakes and agree; bungie probably didnt bother to update the render because it wont be included in the game. thesilencebroken might as well be a ninja.
I change my mind about what I said. That picture of a spartan with a flaming helmet on Bungie.net says "Exclusive armor affect for Legendary Edition". All I have to say is SON OF A B*TCH!!! I'm pretty sure the other 2 are shot out like grunt birthday party when you die.
I guarentee it to. i never said he would be, I said they 'could' and it would be super secret. You obviously have misread my posts.