Ever noticed that stuff by the radar? Like "high Bridge"? I tihnk those are preamde callouts, because in one of Bungie's earlier posts on Powerhouse, they were referring to things by weird callout names already. good eye, eh Chaotic?
I think it was the equivalent of the power drain equipment. Whereas the Grav lift is the equivalent to the jet pack.
Holy ****, that video turns me on. I can't way till May now. Those are some wicked weapons, and the battle rifle looks hot.
I think that may be some type of radar jammer armor ability ,I saw that a lot in the video. But i still think it will be at least 9v9.
No, it bounced the ghost and a plasma grenade blew it up. I also hope that Invasion is Spartans vs Elites and the teams must complete multiple objectives to win.
First let me say the 2 words that spring to mind after watching this: ****ING AMAZING Now for the only problems I can see. 1.This wouldn't affect most people but would affect me, I have terrible vision (20:100 WITH my glasses on). The font for the callouts look pretty small and so does the armor ability icon. Why is in-game text so small in so many games? 2. The jetpack looks awesome and should work great BUT, in forge we'll have to work extra hard to make it so people can't use them to escape the maps or exploit them. The stock maps will have invisi-barriers to prevent this but we probably won't in forge. 3. Loadouts: as long as loadout just refers to armor abilities, it's fine. If it refers to CoD type loadouts then WTF In short, this is awesome.
Looks amazing. I said this game was going to be great from day one. It really looks like it's shaping up real nice. This is only the Alpha! Holly cow! The final product is going to be epic.
What do you guys think about the "Active Roster" part? I'm hoping it means they're reintroducing clans to Halo. Overall this video looks pretty awesome.
I was just thinking the same thing. It would be awkward to strap a second weapon onto the back of your jetpack. So, do you guys think that Phantom in Invasion is drivable?
With more careful analysis, I don't think it's either a power drain or bubble shield, rather something new. The icon was a padlock, it surrounded the player in a small sparking shield, then everything around exploded, almost like a EMP's effect, but much more violent. edit: "Futuristic mini-EMP perhaps?" Ghost? Quick! Deploy your FMEMP!