Custom Game* And I;m not to fond of the object that is out of focus in the bottom-right, close to the camera.
You mean the Grunt? That was in the Stock that i used couldnt be helped i could try to work around it though, and i have bad spelling at times
The spartan doesn't fit in. Looks like a render slapped in (which I'm assuming it was) it just doesn't blend in.
Even though it was in the stock it still looks really out of place. Like a spartan that weighs so much would be standing on a small dish like that, if you can move the spartan on the floor or something it would look a lot better.
Also you know how the Halo 3 menu has the blue filter on it, is it possible for you to do the same in this picture, like have another version with a filter which is similar?
Personally thats more work then it should, also he is the only focal to be found , so moving to another spot wont work.
lol wow i was like "The spartan looks out of place" and "The pelican looks out of place." The stock is kinda ****ed up i guess.