Here's a sweet article about what to expect in the beta. I'll edit it into the OP. Edit: Woops:
If there is going to be only three maps in the Beta I will be fine. I think the map Sword Base looks really cool, but I like powerhouse more.
THIS is the most important piece of news today. For us, anyway. You will now be able to publish your maps and others will be able to search for, and download, your maps without ever leaving the game. No more having to delete your old forged maps to make room for new ones. No more having to delete downloaded maps to make room for others. No need to carefully choose whether a map found on Forgehub is worthy of your precious HD space, you just download them all and toss the bad ones.
That is indeed the most important for us. I finally don't have to keep deleting good maps off of my HD!
mostly speculation at this point, but if available we will surely have variants of Spartan Grifball, Elite Grifball, and Jetpack Grifball, so far… and who knows, maybe even Brute!!! Grifball
Now, all we need is a relatively Forge-friendly map in the beta, and we're looking at the Beta of the GotY for 2010.
From the weekly update, here. Kinda in the middle area right before the Q&A. Yes, I am extremely happy for this XD
I guess with unlimited content and likely an awesome new editor, forgehub will never be quiet as it is now again
That is awesome news. Now it won't be a pain to share our media anymore and no more deleting precious maps to make room.
I hope they implement a search function for it as well, 1000 maps is alot. I'm pretty sure it will at least be alphabetical
Thank god for this. When Reach comes out I'm gonna make a shitload of maps and thisll help heaps. I'm excited about Arena. It sounds awesome. I think I'll suck at it, but it'll be fun. Forgehub will get flooded with new members when Reach is released. Us 'veterans' must show them the way.
Not sure if that meant searching for new ones or already downloaded. Like when someone reaches around 500 (it's FH so you know people will) files, there would be better organizing options.
If we're allowed thousands of custom content items now, I hope Bungie implements some sort of a Folder option. It would be nice to quickly distinguish, say, maps that I have made from maps that I have downloaded.
^Genius^ <3 Oh, I think that my friend has got something wrong with him. He's not getting the Beta, and he has ODST. It might have something to do with the fact that he downloaded the game, not actually buying it...