I hope they expanded the custom game settings a bit more. I can't wait to see the incredible maps people pull from the new forge
As do I. Like tweaking armor abilities duration or set spawn. With that in mind jetpacks + grifball = quiddich!!!
Holy ****ing ****. That would be awesome. But keep in mind the jetpack isn't for constant flying. A setting would need to be loadout length.
How will players get the abilities? Will it be like the armour perms, with everyone getting a few default ones (like Mk VI and CQB armour) and then you get more by unlocking achievements, levels and increasing your level? I do have a feeling that these add-ons might have a disable feature in game settings, for "hardcore" or "classic" gametypes and then, as we had options for active camo and shields in Halo 3, maybe we'll have options for forcing abilities on players which would allow for proper sky battles with jet packs!
Wow, grifball would actually be fun with jetpacks... What about jetpacks in Infection? I hope there's a "disable abilities" and a "forced ability" option.
I saw that thread on B.net about quidditch that you totally ripped off. But still, it'd be very interesting. I'd like to see the effects of a hammer-boosted jetpack launch, or a midair maneuver.
Yea he totally ripped off that idea off, just because he had the same idea it means he stole it? I mean i thought the same thing when i was the jetpacks so... does that mean i stole the idea too.
"Classic" setting should exist when editing gametypes. You know, so you can make a gametype where you can't use armor abilities. Oh and imagine skyjacking a Banshee using a jetpack. How awesome would that be?
I think you would be splattered alot more than hijacking the banshee. On big maps, I want to fly a falcon over enemy base and have my team jump from it and if fall damage is in use jetpacks for a soft landing.
One thing i hope will be included is the gametype options for customizing the special powers. Options such as 'Special power duration' (5s, 10s, 30s, unlimted) and 'Special power recharge time' (instant, 5s, 10s, 30s, never) would be fantastic. It would add so much depth to gametype customization for some really cool games. Ideas; - Camo / Overshield that last X amount of time, but are only available once per life, great for some infection mini-games - Jetpacks that recharge instantly / last forever, so players can basicly access anywhere, great for griffball and verticle themed maps - Sprint that lasts X amount of time and is only available once, great for D-Day style maps - Infinite sprint Simple option that i hope they do remember to throw in there.
I'm sure they do, it wouldn't be hard to code I'm sure, and it would VASTLY open the possibilities in forge... Speaking of, does this new engine that they have allow a larger forge budget???
Some forge stuff i want: -toggle HUD -set AA, duration -set times stuff UNSPAWN -ability to make a maps geometry by hand, like totally by hand. The ground, water, sky, everything. -very in depth gametype editing. I hope they do this stuff Forgehub will get an amazing amount of traffic if it does.
you know they will let you edit the special abilities because it iwould be dissapointing if not. also, woundt it be cool if they let forge in rhe beta? just like one map or something.
All I want for Forge is a Physics-Off option and unlimited objects. You can't complain about lagg, because obviously I wouldn't place so many objects that it started lagging, and physics-off for easy geomerging, floating, interlocking.
It is roomered that forge will be in the beta. @ Hari, while some aspects of map geometry might be editable editing terrain would be very limited. Everything would have its own limits if the implimented map geometry editing. The main reason for this being that you would have to download an entire map everytime. I have trouble exeplaining it in type but basically I'm saying that forge could never be valve's hammer editor, maps can only be customized to a certain extent.