The cage is a guardian spiritual sucsessor, zealot is midship. Sword base and Powerhouse are also not new, anyone who played the beta knows what I'm talking about. Lol.
thats what i am saying. chances are slim that i will pay for any new DLC, but H3 was ruined if you didnt by having required playlists. MW2 handled DLC really well.
But neither are even close to actual remakes, thus both are new maps. And that's just stupid. I agree that Reach could really do with some DLC for a couple of really solid new maps, but as it is, Countdown and Powerhouse are superb maps, and I really like Asylum too.
I could honestly care less about DLC unless there is a civilian themed small forge specific area. For forky racing maps and such! Just give me an update that adds a significant digit to the coordinate system and I will be happy.
A few let downs so far that I see as downgrades from Halo 3: -Took out a TON of Halo 3 emblems (my personal Rampancy, cubes (clan), snake, etc...) -No dead body physics. Teabagging doesn't do anything, punching either. -No alpha zombies in Infection -Tanks on Hemorrhage are pretty overpowering. Needs a rocket launcher on the map.
scorps are being replaced with wraiths in the upcoming playlist update. also removing swat from team slayer and btb. as well as a bunch of other stuff that i cant remember, its in the last weekly update though
1 level to go on solo legendary!! Also I found a glitch: I started searching in the Invasion playlist, all players were found then I decided to check my local files. They were greyed out and weren't accessible at the time. When I moved the analogue stick left (to return to the previous menu) the whole menu disappears and you're left with the background. I tested this a couple of times and it happened every time.
For anyone that has yet to read the playlist update in the latest Weekly Update by Bungie, here it is:
October 10th, I believe. I just hope they also reduce the probability of getting infection in rumble pit.
On zealot, there's places you can camp either sides of the lift, which for some reason don't count as outside the map, and the only way zombies can kill you is by jumping through space to get there. And as they're doing that, it's ridiculously easy kills.
Hoping it'll make the October patch. I think it was what they were referring to in the latest update, but it did say arena only. :/
I'm mostly hoping they put classic firefight in matchmaking. Also there is 2 plasma launchers on the map and snipers to take out the tanks just gotta know how to do it the wraiths are to easy to take down. Reach was AWESOME!! and seems like every update is disappointing me more and more lol (still AWESOME though)