INTRO I had the idea yesterday of having a Halo Reach tournament to raise money for a charity. I am announcing this now (even though Reach will not be out until September) because it will require a good amount of preperation. Instead of everyone just playing to raise money for just one charity, I decided that each team (of either four or five players) will pick a charity to play for (e.g. Team Breast Cancer, Team Lung Cancer, Team Heart Disease, etc.). The winners will recieve prizes (see: Prizes) and all the money raised will go to the charity raised. HOW IT WORKS I am hoping to get around 24 teams, 18 at the least. People will either pick their teammates, sign up for an existing team, or establish a new team by themselves in which others may sign up for. Each member of a team must pay $5 or they will not be able to play (I will establish a PayPal account specifically for this tournament if it takes off). It will most likely be a single-elimination bracket. PRIZES Currently, prizes for winning are not set in stone and subject to change but this is what I currently think would be a just goodie bag: 1st Place Charity Donation Custom Painted Xbox 360 Controller (with a theme of the winners charity)* FPS Freeks* XBL Gold 1 Month** (Microsoft Points?)** 2nd Place FPS Freeks* XBL Gold 1 Month** (Lower amount of MS Points?)** 3rd Place XBL Gold 1 Month** (Lowest amount of MS Points?)** Consolation A nice, well written "Thank You!" e-mail from yours truly . *In order to obtain FPS Freeks and custom controllers, I would need to contact Kontrol Freek and a custom controller site (such as and ask for donated/discounted items. Therefore, I will not do so unless this takes off. I have a feeling if I offer to promote their products (see: Promotion/Coverage) **The 1 Months and MS Points will rely on the generosity of ForgeHubbers and other internet-goers alike, as I want every penny of the money earned to go into the winning charity. (In short, these will need to be donated aswell.) PROMOTION/COVERAGE If this takes off, I will setup a Facebook and/or Twitter account dedicated to the tournament, containing things like rosters, player/team bios, a PayPal donate button, and of course much more. When the actual tournament starts, I would love it if anyone with a capture card could record their game, and use that footage to make commentated highlight monatges, modeled after an MLG commentary (without the uptight-this-is-a-real-sport attitude.) And if you don't own a capture card, there's always good ol' Bungie Pro. TEAMS I am currently not adding any teams, I want a positive reaction from the communtiy, along with any advice before I add any teams. Please try to keep this thread alive, it can't help any charities burried on the seventh page.
i dont think theres custom games in the beta so i dont know if this would work EDIT : nvm didnt notice the second sentence
This wouldn't be in the Beta, it would be when the full game comes out. That is stated within the first two sentences. Please read before you post.
I like the idea, I can capture and upload games to youtube, and also.. Bungie might hlp support this as well if it gets big enough.