Hello people. I just found out about this cool glitch to get the defiant map pack achievements. I don't know how many of you know about this so I am posting this thread. As far as I know you can't get banned for it because the gametypes have over 13,000 downloads. You do not have to do this glitch if you are a person that like to do things right. If you don't know what achievements I am talking about here they are. Achievements Return to Sender30 Defiant: Successfully return two flags in a matchmade CTF game. Crackin' Skulls45 Defiant: Kill 3 players with the Oddball in a matchmade Oddball game Candy from a Baby75 Defiant: Capture two flags from an enemy capture zone in a matchmade Stockpile game. Glitch Due to a glitch, all three Defiant Achievements can currently be unlocked in Custom Games. To do this glitch, you will need a friend or guest. You can either play matchmaking to get the gametypes or you can download the relevant gametypes HERE. Once you have the gametypes, depending on what option you chose to get the gametypes, perform this following step: Matchmaking - If you got the gametypes from Matchmaking, go into Custom Games, press "Game Type", go into your Temporary History and select the game type you want. Download - If you downloaded the gametypes from the thread, do the same as Matchmaking, except select the game type section from the list and select the game type you downloaded. DO NOT SELECT THE DEFAULT GAME TYPE AT THE TOP OF THE LIST! Choose any map, start the game and follow the guide. Gametype links: 2 flag pro: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Stockpile: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Oddball: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Well there it is. You don't have to this glitch I just thought I would let you all know about it. I understand these achievements are a little hard to get so you might want to try this out. I have done this already so it still works.
Yeah you do need the defiant map pack for the achievements to be visible and able to be unlocked. But once you have the map pack you can do the achievements on any map your heart so desires. There is no glitch for the noble pack achievements as far as I know but who knows, new glitches are coming out every day.
so this doesn't include "you ate all the chips"? EDIT: nevermind just remembered thats not a defiant achievement.
is that so????? well i've got all the real hard ones, monument to all your sins and such. 100%ed tonight!!!! can the gametype be edited? having 300% speed or infinite sprint would help with these.
I tried doing this glitch for the noble pack achievements and it does not work for them. If you know a glitch for those achievements than please tell me.
Yeah it is, I was just saying.... I have all the real hard ones, this will be an easy 100% for the last few
Oh, see, I was trying it with the default gametypes and it didnt work so I thought they just fixed the glitch. I only need the candy from a baby so Ima go get it now. Thanks.
I don't think this works for all MM achievements. i tried to get "you ate all the chips" and it didn't work
I already have these achievements, and I wasn't trying to get them. ;\ Not bragging, though. *dusts shoulder conceitedly* Good idea if one were inclined towards unlocking achievements, though. How'd you find this?
It does not work for all mm achievements which sucks. I don't know if there is a glitch for the others. There might have been one in Halo 3 but I just hosted lobbies for the achievements. I found this by looking up achievement guides for different games. There is a website that has the best guides and glitches for any game you want. Here it is for anybody that wants it. Link: http://www.xbox360achievements.org/game/halo-reach/guide/ Whenever it shows the achievements for the game look directly above that and click achievement guide. It will tell easy ways to get every achievement for the games you want.
There is a glitch which can get you any acheivement. First, read the description for the acheivement. Second, perform the action described in said description. Third, get the acheivement. But seriously, gamerscore is pointless and every single acheivement in reach is easy to get.
I wouldn't say they are all easy. Solo legendary was a *****, at least for me. I'm having trouble getting you ate all the chips because I almost never have a party of 4 and randoms really SUCK (usually). its the last one i need, dammit