It's so obvious. This is the direction the Halo franchise needs to go. And I remember a very very early dev video from Halo CE that had Stegosaurus like creatures, so it could happen. The Gúta was a step forward, now onto the dinos! BIG EDIT And don't say Elites because they are not even close to scary dinosaurs.
The man does have a point. But seriously, the last troll thread qualified as funny, maybe quit when you're ahead next time? I think this would be better of in OT, and by that I mean you'll have to suffer what Sarge does with nonsense threads, since he definitely won't bother coming in here.
I'm pretty sure that date isn't accurate, and I don't think greater than signs are used for dates. Just sayin'. Anyway... I guess it would be cool, but I feel half trolled.
1. Dinosaurs extincted on Earth 65,000,000 years ago. 2. I don't really need Dinosaurs in Halo but more wildlife would be nice. 3. Still, Dinosaurs only extincted on Earth, there can still be large reptiles on other planets, just like there are Moa's on Reach similar to Moa's on Earth.
I found out what the Stegosaurus thing that I was thinking about was. This. Thorn Beast - Halopedia, the original Halo encyclopedia
this could have been a fun thread if people played along. bungie is clearly racist against dinosaurs.
I don't know where you live, but last I checked Moa's don't exist on Earth... And more dinosaurs are definitely needed. Do you know how awesome it would be to fight a T-rex??
IF Bungie had more wildlife, what makes you think they would put in a T-Rex or other once existant dinosaur? Gúta - Fiction Moa - Fiction Thorn Beast - Fiction Also: Speciesist? Animalist? ... Regardless, this thread is meh.
The Moa is based off an extinct bird, I believe from New Zealand. So still fiction, but, the more you know(insert animation of shooting star here) Edit: It would be cool to see some extinct animals in a Halo game, like they were native to Earth but transplanted to another planet, or vice versa.
Well know that we know that they based Moas off of an extinct bird, that must mean that soon they will add creatures based off of extinct dinosaurs!
I no like dinos. Dinosaurs are childish! We need an alien like the predator or the one from cloverfield!!!! Cloverfield alien would be an epic boss battle
*points at post before last* that guy. but while i agree, the Moa is ficticious, since its ya know, in a game, there ARE similar birds. the moa is like... emus and ostriches had a space egg and that turned into the moa.
i disagree that halo needs more dinosaurs but a decent dinosaur hunting title would be good. there have been a few, but they all sucked.