THE HALO MUSEUM a map I made after thinking of a unique idea that to my knowledge has never been tried before vehicle exhibit : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details covenant tech : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details weapon exhibit : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details master chief exhibit with door used as an empty casket note 117(his spartan number) : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details gift shop !!!!!!!!!!!!!! : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details equiptment : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details more exhibits not shown in this thread !!!!! dl here : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Im not sure if this has been done before, but I think you could do a little better with the aesthetics. I mean, add some shelves or something for the weapons, maybe do something different with the casket, as it really isnt that convincing. It doesnt really have a museum feel, although I dont know exactly how you could make it feel more like one that includes all of that stuff. Overall, as a halo museum, I would give it a 5/10.
do not rate your own maps, ecspecialy 5 stars, also all screenshots must be inbedded, one of these nice people well give you a guide do not rate your own map
It looks nice, but maybe you should do it on avalanche or a map that can allow all types of vehicles.
Did anyone want to tell this kid to embed his pictures, or all of you going to continue to spam? Look kid, you need to go to save all of your pictures, upload them to, and then use a embed img button on the post creator to post your picture's url provided by photobucket. I did however look at your pictures, and while I guess I understand the idea, You failed to make it look aesthetically pleasing whats soever. To impress the forgehub crowd, your gonna have to interlock, geomerge, or at least make it look like something never seen before. I'm sorry, but everyone above me has been nice, you really need to take much more time building a map. Many people take weeks to build maps, an hour of work is not going to cut it. Love, Zachary9990
What???? I was just about to post Covenant Museum. Did you steal my idea, or was this just coincidence
I'm like 98% positive this has done before, i remember seeing something like this a long time ago on forgehub. i'm pretty sure the other one was better as well, they used interlocking. No offense but it looks like this took you an hour to make, not that impressive.
It doesn't even look as good as the other one either. Patriots, try not to take pictures in Forge mode, either. It looks horrible. Now, the map? It's not very good. Sure, you have the rare average thing, but most of it is just spawning crap. So, next time, try and make something original, aesthetically pleasing, and a solid map to download. This map gets a 3.5/10 from me.
Since none of these people up here gave you a guide, I would like to direct you to this thread Which is a guide to embedding your screenshots, if you don't fix it in 24 hours your thread will be locked. On a lighter note, this map does seem to be alright, the only problem is that it doesn't really have any purpose, as we've all seen all of this before. You didn't interlock or geomerge anything from what I can see, and if I can believe the people above me, there was already a much better version of this posted. The only things I really like are the weapons exhibits and the master chief. I don't really think they make this map stand out though, they are just my favorite 2 exhibits. The vehicles on wire spools also caught my eye.