Been meaning to see that for a long time. The main actor was supposed to star in Lethel Weapon 5. Hes like a super Jet Li.
DO IT!! Even though the whole thing is subtitled it is so worth it. Tony Ja is the ****ing man, no stunt doubles and he does stuff that makes Jet Li look like a *****. Full speed hurdle jump through a small loop of barb wire anyone? I'll try to find a clip and add it to this post. EDIT: here you go. YouTube - The nicest part of the movie Ong Bak No wires or blue screen.
Great find dude. I remember seeing this vid without the credits a while back, I think Bungie posted it on their front page. Watching it again knowing what it is was epic, this looks sweet so far, it put a smile on my face.
That is a great find, but I am 90% sure that they are still making that part seem more pro... I mean, they still don't have the logo for the movie in the beginning. And some gunshots look like paint...
Wow, really? I had a feeling that it wasn't actually the real movie, but Bungie did post it on their front page. Its still epic anyways.
I think its made by the company that design the props for the film, nevertheless it was made in New Zealand. Those guys are crazy they can do anything.
Yeah it's by some special effects team. Good work by them, it's berry fulfilling to see Live-Action Hal0z.
i havnt seen anything but iv heard allot and im filled with excitement, i know its going to b epic/sad/happy/funny/cool all rolled into 2 hours, hope they dont muck it up