Halo Movie I am really looking foreward to this movie. There has been alot of discussion around t'internet about it bieng cancelled and what-not. But the only confirmations were that Universal and Fox dropped out from funding the movie, there have been no confirmations that the film has been cancelled, infact Microsoft and Bungie have both stated that the film is still going ahead. Nothing on the internet can be fully trusted, but there is alot of news out there, there have been many public annoucements regarding the film, they just need to be dug up. If your interested in the film, why not google it up and have a look for some information. If you find anything, be sure to post it here with a link back to the website. Fansites Halo The Movie Halo Movie.com Halo Movie.org Current Facts Microsoft own rights to the Halo movie, and are looking for partnerships with other companies. At the moment, Neill Blomkamp is the director of the film. Perer Jackson appears to be helping out with issues, and is also eager to get the ball rolling. WETA studios, the company in New Zeland that creates all of the scenery for the Halo Movie ( Who build the Warthog and made the weapons in the Bungie news articles ) are still at work designing and creating sets. A new script is bieng written for the film, see below. Source
God that would be so awesome. But it would be a shame if someone butchered it... The movie would be Halo 1 right?
Bah, I personally think it is never gonna happen. Just look at how much progress it has made since it was announced!!1! Although I would love it if it did.
Holy crap this is gonna kick total ass!!! I like the idea of not showing covenant like jaws. I think what made jaws so awesome IS that you never saw the shark til halfway. Both fans and non-fans I think will love this movie. Has a release date been scheduled yet or a year or something? I want to see it now!!! lol I'll do what cartmen and the chief did, I'll freeze myself and have someone wake me when it is released... that'll totally work!!! To the cryogenics lab!!!
wow that is just great. can't wait for the movie judging from the script. i know the story and plot is going to be awesome but my question still stands. who will play the chief ?
they need someone cool to play the chief, thats for sure, but I just read that the chief wont be the main character... just because it focuses more before the action of Halo: CE and thus focuses more on the general spartans and probably, (inference) Johnson, Keyes and other marines... either way, I think thats a good choice and will still be epic... :]
The script certainly sounds interesting. Its being made for free, showing that there are alot of people dedicated to getting this film made. Its supposed to be before Halo 1, which is probably my favourite timeframe for Halo.
They should get the voice actor from the game to do Chief, but have David Belle do his stunts. If you don't know who that is, check this out for sure --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2_p8JJHRTA&feature=related I suggest watching that movie, it's one of my favorites. David Belle + Mjolnir + Covenant + Flood = ...anyone have a towel?
This will make for a stunning film. A film about alot of spartans kicking ass, then the covenant destroying an entire plannet. I hope it does a bit after reach, when they take out that big Covenant hub and destroy most of the fleet.
If they were to make a prequel-like story to Halo, I'm sure they would end it with a teaser of seeing the ring world for the first time. I just hope they eventually make the film.
I hope that the director is up for it. Nearly all video game based movies sucked IMO (DOOM sucked ass from a straw). And I did see Arms Race and it was ok. I am sorta relieved that Peter Jackson is involved because he is such a great director.
This would be a really cool movie except i wouldn't like to see MC's face. Part of wich because if they follow the book correctly, MC has been in his suit for a long time and must be really pale like Michael Jackson. It could be disturbing. I just hope then don't follow it.