No idea how you pulled these off, but amazing screenshots. I love DBZ, too, so bonus points for that. 12/10
Thanks, Finally!! someone who understands the connection here between Dragonball Z and Halo 3. it was luck and timing that allowed me to take these great pics.
I mostly like the first one, it's just freakin' awesome. These Screenshots reminds me of the days when I watched Dragon Ball Z.
Thanks guys, no one can really make the connection if they never watched the show... I mean the first picture is GREAT even if you havent seen DBZ... It looks so real as if he is really forming Energy to attack.
Where is the guy's gun?!? Thats amazing! The position of the guy and the pose are perfect .. Great job!
thanks, I know right? I mean I got it to look like he is really trying to form an energy ball to destroy his enemies.
It is possible to do many of the DBZ moves in Halo3, we have so many weapons and explosions to our disposal that doing a special beam cannon could be done.