Anyone notice on the dashboard the new Halo Legends. The trailer looked kinda stupid but the Majors Minute version looked pretty sweet. I not sure what to suspect, but because its Halo they have many possibilities. Also anybody notice it was going to be made by 343 industries. (343 is going to be led by Frank O'Conner ) Also in the videos you may have heard of Halo waypoint which from the sounds of it will be a hub on the dashboard all Halo
Links to show people what you're talking about are always nice. Lightsout225 posted some Halo Legends posters he got from Comic-con is hosting the "exclusive" Halo Legends preview trailer Halo Waypoint is a load of ideas Microsoft has for getting as much money out of Halo as possible. Its a portal on the 360 Dashboard which allow you to buy Halo related content (probaby Halo 3 DLC, videos, Halo Legend downloads, avatar clothes) and it'll keep track of all of your Halo related achievements. Seeing as we won't be seeing a new console from Microsoft for a long time (longer than previous consoles) it wouldn't surprise me if we start seeing other games getting their own "Portals".