Although are quite a few adaptions to Halo with this monty python skit, this is a refreshing take on it. Can some one tell me if my embed is working?
Thanks, and no, this was made in halo 3, and its funnier in my opionion, because they changed the lines to be more in context with the halo universe. Also, could some one tell me the right way to embed videos.
man i love that!! im gonna see spamalot in about a month!! WOOOO HOOOO!!! and now for something completely different
lol, this allright, but i like the "and green leader has learned the true value of not being seen, though, he has chosen a pretty obvious peice of cover...*rocket*" rofl... also, you should have done embedded this like so =]
oh, sorry simply example url here[/media.] without the . at the end =] to not spam post, ima just say this here embed is working, good job