I'm trying to decide whether to get X360 or PS3, and it pretty much comes down to which Map Creator is better. I don't know what to decide. Can you help me?
Far Cry does have a better editor, but it's more of a map creator, which means it's not as easy to share maps between players, since everyone has to download a custom-made map everytime a party wants to do customs (or whatever it's called in Far Cry). Forge is a map editor, which means everyone has the same base maps, it's just different versions with items, spawns, etc edited. Sharing maps is much easier with Forge.
I guess I should get a 360, better all around. I already played Uncharted 2 on PS3 soo... 360 it is but what am I gonna do with all these PS3 games? ((can someone please close this thread))
Far Cry has a better tool, but as BT said, its a map creator, so the file sizes are big. Every time a custom game starts, every player has to download the map, which can take up to 2 minutes. Plus, the Far Cry 2 community is basically dead nowadays. Its tough to get a decent match. So either way, I'd go for xbox. But, if you can get the people to play, Far Cry 2's map making tool is fantastic.