Before I even say anything, all credit goes to "HC Lone Wolf", I dunno who he is, but it says he's the author of this. And some people apparently already knew about this, but when I saw it, I knew I had to spread the word.. Now, you can either listen to me ramble on about how I stumbled upon this, or scroll down ever so slightly to cut to the chase. I was hosting a large custom game, as tradition to most halo games I host, I pass on the leader hoping for something else good, I passed it off to my friend, but they left the same instant I promoted them, thus making someone random leader, a guy I never saw before, shortly after he loads up something called "halo chess" and it changed everyone's team colors to black and white, after tons of people freaking out and delaying it, the party leader was able to start it, I was screaming in my head "wtf is this real!?" but after like two seconds of the game playing he ended it so I didn't get to see what it really was, but my curiosity yearned the knowledge,I left with one of my other friend in the game and told him we should play it, after loading it and starting it up, our minds were blown, there was a forge checkerboard (I looked in forge at the map, and it was just one hill marker, with one gametype label I never saw before) with colored spartans and elites to match the occasion, and first you'd be without weapons walking around, then when it became your turn, you became a forge ball (guilty spark) which was weird cause it was a custom game, and you'd have a turn timer (which made it confusing for me and my friend cause it first we were like "wth?", but it turns out you can change that in the game settings, along side settings for the monitor, player overide settings, pawn and rook settings) and what you'd have to do is go up to the peice (spartan or elite with a role name above their head) and you'd gain controll of them (me and my friend pressed the Y button when close to them, I doubt it's needed, but we did it anyways) and then there would be square hill markers highlighting the moves you could make, you'd walk to where you wanted to move to, stay there for a second or so, and it would switch to the other players turn. As the turns progressed it eventually came to a checkmate in the making, how this works is that you cannot kill other pieces, unless they're in your moving stop, so it worked astoundingly like chess, the pieces moves were right and everything. Eventually the game came to an unfinished end because the time limit ran out, after that, I spread the news quicker than a bad flu, which is why this is here. ================= END OF BORINGNESS ================= The concept is based of what bungie tried pulling off as a joke last year on april fools day. EDIT: Now that I think about it, this video describes the rules better, and for how they actually work, and their chessboard looks cooler.. Now here are some terribly taken screenshots.. Beginning screen me moving a pawn Lastly, I know how some of you are skeptical about new things, and want some hard proof before you click the button so I present you with the following.. ======================= example film download : Halo Reach : File Details ======================= ======================= Rendered film ======================= (coming soon because it's going slow)
This is quite old (1st of April), people have even made their own boards now, which is why the Mini Games forum is flooded with it. such as mine