[i will be doing new screens, and adding them to this thread] So ive been toying with the idea of making "skins" of some of my maps how i would see them being in game. I decided to give it a go, but i hit limitations. Vertebraille is the one i chose to do. I wanted it to be convenant themed and very elegant looking. Much like THIS. However, with the amount of detail in those, and limited knowledge on how to attempt it, i took an easier route. Remember in the bungie updates, how they had side by side comparisons of Chillout and Cold Storage? Well Cold Storage is what i see, and Chillout is what i made. If that helps. What i made it look like here and how i imagine it are entirely different. Anyways, I was able to obtain Halo:CE-type graphics, and without further text-walling you, heres my interpretation of what Vertebraille would look like back in Halo:CE. THE ORIGINAL SHOT THE PROCESS THE PRODUCT RED BASE BLUE BASE Well, thats it for now. I hope you enjoyed them. Ill have more on the way sooner or later.
This is very cool. I love what you did to the image. I looks like a rough sketch of a map that would be in the making. Also, which program did you use to do that?
PI 10 is long since outdated, but if you search ULEAD PHOTOIMPACT, they may have a trial edition of the newest version. thanks .
Alright, but now that I think about it, I could just do this in photoshop easily. Thanks though, I'm gonna try it out.
The only thing that bothers me is those heavy black lines. Remove those and add in a little shading and it will be much better.
looks cool but i dont get it...all your doing is making your map look like a old one? sorry im half asleep ^.^
Looks like a pretty sweet map man. I like the skins a lot. However it looks like some of your features are distorted by a couple degrees, but that is OK. I will find more about this program you used. Now take it to sketchup lol.