YouTube- Halo Trial Mods- Canadians360's Mod Fun Ive been messing around with mods lately this is the most recent set I dreamed up. Enjoy the vid I cant tell you how long it took to upload. I enjoy it and enjoyed making it though. you swapped a bunch of projectiles and made a 10-minute video to show it off? Do some more difficult mods next time.
Srry canadians, last time I posted a vid that had anything to do with mods the topic was locked. Your still fine on XF though... Just warning you. As for the mods they're meh. I don't really want to discuss it here though, we'll talk on xf? Also, props for the PMIs I guess.
haha! the rocket reminds me of the experimental MIRV in fallout 3. maybe thats where they got the idea for the games strongest weapon.....