If a few people got together and created remakes of perfection for every map. Do you think that Bungie should add a "Halo Throwback Playlist". I say this because I've played a couple of games of remade maps on Halo reach and I must say, they work with Halo: Reach perfectly. Maps like Narrows and Hang em' High just seem to fit with the Halo: Reach multiplayer aspect so well. Additionally, adding this kind of experience to matchmaking would cater to everyone as the more serious players can get into some matchmaking fun of old classics and allow the newer Halo players to indulge in some multiplayer madness history. I feel like adding a playlist such as this would pull some of the remaining population of Halo 3 up onto Reach.
I'd like to so that, but there will be a lot of sifting through terrible maps. I've seen loads of Lockout remakes and very few of them are any good as far as gameplay is concerned. I mean, some look amazing and look just like the original Lockout, but then you start to play and realise things like bumpy floors, Z-fighting, spawn points facing the wrong way and weapons just thrown on the map and not set up properly. But I'm sure if Bungie can find the best maps then they will be amazing and the creator will have thought about recreating the gameplay as well as just the layout.
I've spent time sifting through maps, and so far the only ones i felt played well, look nice and feel accurate are the following: Turf Lagoon Lockout Guardian Casket Perhaps i should put more effort into looking for truely graet remakes. However i like to think look and asthetic is the most important thing to look for, Z-fighting is my number 1 pet peeve, and 2nd is location.. The fact that Guardian is out in the air just makes it feel wrong to me, however it does indeed look good and handles solidly.
Thanks for the links to these maps, They are really good and play perfectly. It seems that bungie is pushing this idea under there noses and not really taking a consideration to it. You'd think they would jump at the idea, it would bring so much more players to Halo Reach. OFFTOPIC: Over 100 views and only a few replies. Not very engaging for a community as big as forgehub is it?
Most people here just lurk. I, for one, would like to see a throwback playlist. Traits that make it much similar more similar to Halo 3, Halo Trilogy maps, etc. I would also like to see more playlists. Especially ranked. But that's off topic, so I'll leave you be with my agreement of a throwback playlist.