Halo 5 Scripting Infodump

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by cookies4you, Dec 18, 2015.

  1. I7ilegacyi7i

    I7ilegacyi7i Legendary

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    Were can I find this ? :)
  2. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm not sure, he linked a gif of it in the shoutbox the other day I was just assuming he made it. You might pm him.
  3. Esoterica

    Esoterica Legendary

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    Hey everyone. I've been working on some scripting using welded pieces and rotation and have run into two sticking points. 1. The welded pieces shift. When I place them initially they're perfectly aligned, but when I start a new match they are no longer in the positions intended. 2. The rotation is clunky and inconsistent even for single pieces; moving in jerking motions and often rotating two slightly different paths each loop. Is there a way to remedy this?
  4. cookies4you

    cookies4you Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    1. This is a known problem, unfortunately. This isn't exclusively to welded pieces.

    2. Make sure you change the parent of the group, preferably to something in the center. This matters a lot.
  5. Yumudas Beegbut

    Yumudas Beegbut Legendary
    Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    I made a thread that has some helpful info, particularly a picture tutorial on page 2, but there's only so much we can do with it currently.


    @cookies4you Do you think using rotation scripts that run every cycle would make it smoother? I'm guessing the jerking has something to do with object position/rotation being sent to us from the server so it depends on when the info arrives...

    Are objects not quite in the same positions in matchmaking vs Forge? Do they line up any better if we snap them to while units or something like that?
  6. Esoterica

    Esoterica Legendary

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    The objects shift in position after just a few rotations. Rotations right from the beginning are spastic and awkward. I've played around with altering the rotation pivot and rotation type to no avail. Is that link still working? Not able to currently view it.
  7. Yumudas Beegbut

    Yumudas Beegbut Legendary
    Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    M0D3RN SPAR7AN Legendary
    Senior Member

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    If your map sits at a 45 degree angle and you try and script doors or things to move, why doesn't the XYZ rotate accordingly to the way your map faces? It only moves at angles.
  9. Yumudas Beegbut

    Yumudas Beegbut Legendary
    Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    I had to look this one up. For Move: Offset scripts with the Local Movement option set to Off, the movement for objects will all be in the same direction, based on the world coordinates. There's no way to rotate or alter the world coordinates. We have to do the math, probably trig, to figure out how much to move the objects in each of the world coordinates. Kinda blows if we want to rotate the map some.

    At 45 degrees, I think you need to use 1/sqrt(2) for the two world coordinates that are involved.

    For Velocity: Set scripts and for Move: Offset scripts with Local Movement turned On, each object will move in a direction relative to which direction it's facing. The objects only move in the same direction if they've all got the same rotation values. You can figure out which direction is which by resetting all angles to zero. The Forward, Horizontal and Vertical directions will match the positive world X, Y and Z directions.

    Rotation scripts are always based on world coordinates, or the XYZ axis.

    Hope this info is what you need & that I didn't misunderstand. Either way is good though.

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    There is a scripting tutorial built in here somewhere.

    The description will tell you what to look for on the linked map.

    Sn1p3r C and Nitro like this.
  11. Buddy Jumps

    Buddy Jumps Jumpmaster
    Senior Member

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    So after the MB update, do I have to seperate the first round from the others because of the 13 second long intro? Or do I simply have to apply a "Round: Start" script and it will automatically start the added "Wait" action after the intro is over? That would spare some time.
    REMkings likes this.
  12. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    i just read this, but wanted to provide an update based on MB update giving us at least one new option.

    Simply set up targets (using actual targets or invis blockers works great, especially vehicle blockers in places vehicles cannot possibly be.

    set the doors or moving pieces so they move to a target position, rather than a set number of units x,y,z. This solves many issues, including the door trying to move an additional set of units after being triggered again while open. It also, of course, solves your angled map problem!!
  13. ilego

    ilego Heroic

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    I need help I messaged some of u over Xbox live, no I won't use discord/teamspeak, party chat only u can listen speakers or we do it though Xbox messages if u don't want to party
  14. RadicalOne95

    RadicalOne95 Heroic

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    Okay, so two things I've been having trouble with recently...

    1. For my game-mode, Payload, the Payload Warthog is supposed to blow up when it hits the end of the track at Red Base. but I've noticed some Blue people outside of the Payload Hog blow it up by walking onto the end of the track. How do I make it so the Payload blows up when it hits the end and nothing else...

    2. For a potential Cops and Robbers game-mode similar to Renegade Roundup in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (simply titled "Renegade") where people on Blue have to go around and kill those on Red and have them respawn in a cage in the center of the map and if the Blues get all the reds in the cage before time runs out, they win. If there's at least 1 Red still running about when time runs out, they win. If there's at least 1 red in the cage, people can come by and activate a terminal to set his/her imprisoned allies free. Can someone tell me how to get that setup for my maps?
    Yumudas Beegbut and NOKYARD like this.
  15. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Tell me more about how you're currently making it blow up. It would also help to hear a little more detail about what the track is for and how it relates to the gamemode and that particular moment in the gameplay.

    You're talking about a huge untertaking, there. It certainly is not going ot be as easy as changing some settings on a gametype or writing just a few scripts. It is similar to Extermination, frankly. I do know that @Max Extra is interested in hearing ideas for variants of the gametype. He might be able to provide you better direction on doing this if you are really seriuos about taking on a big project.
    Yumudas Beegbut likes this.
  16. RadicalOne95

    RadicalOne95 Heroic

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    Okay, so for the Payload game mode, there's usually a track that the Payload warthog goes along to get to the Red Base at the end that Blue team has to drive it to the end. Here's how I have it scripted currently for the 2 official Payload maps, Outpost and Hidden Temple (from Paladins)

    Red Team Win Conditions:

    If (Round == Start);
    Score Change (Red Team = +1)

    Payload Scripts:

    If (blueScore = 2);
    Damage Ratio = 100

    Blue Team Win Conditions (Should the Payload make it to the end in time when someone on Blue actually drives it in)

    If (boundaryCheck, enter, blue team)
    Score Change (Blue Team = +2)
    Game = End

    And sure, I think I'll get in touch with Extra and see if we can do anything about my potential "Renegade" mode...
    Yumudas Beegbut likes this.

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The map logic is easy, but the scoring mechanism might be tricky.
    • The map will have no neutral respawns.
    • Red Team Labeled respawns in the jail cells only, one respawn per cell.
    • Optional: You can set the Red respawns 12 feet below the ceiling of the jail cell so players drop into the cells, then have the respawn point blocked by a scripted invisible blocker if the jail cell is occupied, forcing one player per cell.
    • Red Team Labeled respawns should be set to Ignore Danger=On, Ignore LoS=On.
    • Blue respawns are located near the jail but not in LoS of the jail cells.
    • Jail cells are protected with Weapon Blockers (not fair if a cop can kill jailed players).
    • Jail doors open with a switch that is only available to Red players.
    • Jail doors close in 1 second less than the respawn timer you set in game settings, so newly killed players cant slip out before serving time.
    • Optional: Jail layout should not allow a single jail cell to see the layout of the entire police station, but as cells fill up the prisoners can see more of the layout to better communicate where the cops are hiding.
    #97 NOKYARD, Dec 2, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
    Yumudas Beegbut likes this.
  18. RadicalOne95

    RadicalOne95 Heroic

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    Thanks m9, but how would I set up the script where if all the reds are caught, the game ends? I already have the script set that if time runs out for the authorities, then the renegades win, starting the renegades (Red team) off with 1 point and a 2 point limit so the cops (Blue) hit 2 points and win if they caught all the crooks. How do I script the cop win conditions?
    Yumudas Beegbut and NOKYARD like this.

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I do maps, not game modes. Would have to look elsewhere for that. I did mention this post at the Scripters Guild so maybe they will come help.
  20. RadicalOne95

    RadicalOne95 Heroic

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    Oh, okay...

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