Halo 5 Forge Proximity triggers

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by DrSammyD, Dec 27, 2015.

  1. DrSammyD

    DrSammyD Forerunner
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    Alright, I have the kinks worked out for the pressure plate

    You'll need a script brain for this. and an invisible block (what ever size you want for the area you want to trigger)

    Block scripts are
    on spawn despawn
    on spawn turn off alpha and bravo
    on timer 0.1 spawn

    Script Brain scripts are
    on timer 0.4 offset 0.2 turn on alpha,
    on timer 0.4 turn on bravo,
    on bravo and alpha, send message on charlie

    Then group the block and the brain together so that you can select the block again after you've set it, otherwise you can't select it because it despawns as soon as it spawns.

    Here's a Trap Video and the prototype video
  2. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Ah ha, yes. You've come up with the same approach I was going to begin toying with for Proximity Triggers as soon as I got back from my Brother's for Christmas, lol - using the fact that invisible blocks won't respawn if you're too close to them, and then using their need to spawn as a trigger mechanism.

    Beat me to the punch there, nicely done. :) I can't even offer up any suggestions for improvement, you've pretty much nailed it.

    For others reading: How it works (in case you're curious)

    The Script Brain is constantly sending out a signal to turn on channels Alpha and Bravo, with a slight offset between the channels (they're not both being turned on at the exact same time); when both Alpha and Bravo are on, a message is sent on Charlie (use a Multi Message/Power condition for this). So, the Message on Charlie is your Proximity Trigger Action - replace this Action with whatever other Action you may want instead as your trigger Action. If left like this, the Trigger would just activate by itself almost right away, therefore...

    The invisible block is acting as the control mechanism. The invisible block is constantly spawning and despawning, and as soon as it's spawned in, it turns off both Alpha and Bravo. Because of this, the trigger condition that sends a message on Charlie would never occur, because Alpha and Bravo wouldn't get enough time (due to their offset) to both be on before they both get turned off again.

    So here's where the magic happens: As soon as you stand in the way of the invisible block, you prevent it from being able to respawn back in (due to the inherent spawning behaviour on that object), and because the object can't spawn back in, it can't turn off Alpha and Bravo; therefore the Trigger condition is hit (Alpha and Bravo both being on), and the Trigger Action occurs (A message sent on Charlie).

    The behaviour you're then seeing in the videos (traps being set off, objects being moved) are just things reacting to the "On Message Received: Charlie" Condition.

    Bonus: On-Stay Trigger

    By changing that Trigger Action, and adding one extra script, you can create On-Stay Proximity Trigger behaviour too.

    - Change the "Message Send: Charlie" Action to "Power Set: Charlie, On" instead.

    Add the following additional Script to the brain:
    - Condition: Multi Message/Power: Minimum Trigger Count: 4, Alpha Off, Bravo Off, Charlie On
    - Action: Power Set: Charlie, Off

    This would mean that as soon as players get in the way of the invisible block, Charlie is On; then as soon as they move away from the invisible block again, allowing it to spawn back in, it will turn Charlie Off. You can then have other objects react appropriately to the Charlie channel being turned On and Off - automatic doors that stay open while someone's near to them, and then only close as soon as no one is near them (rather than being Timer based), for instance.
    #2 buddhacrane, Dec 27, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2015
  3. cookies4you

    cookies4you Halo 3 Era
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    ... That is some crazy-ass Halo Science, both of you.
  4. DrSammyD

    DrSammyD Forerunner
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    Yeah, good call on the on hold trigger. We can't even do that with regular triggers yet
  5. DrSammyD

    DrSammyD Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Nice. PsychoDuck made a video about it.
    Yumudas Beegbut likes this.
  6. OrionHardy

    OrionHardy Promethean

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    Since the last update this don't seem to work any more. Had four of these on my map, and they seem to randomly activate on their own or don't activate at all.
  7. Yumudas Beegbut

    Yumudas Beegbut Legendary
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    I think people are having problems with (On Timer) script conditions. We can wait for a fix or maybe try something like making timers by counting game cycles/frames and use Damage and Health scripts to count. Maybe buddha or sammy will come back and fix crap.
  8. Sn1p3r C

    Sn1p3r C Halo 3 Era
    Creative Force

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    Rube Goldberg timer:

    Shallow slope, fusion coils at varying locations on the track, and a coil at the bottom.

    Start timer by spawning a kill ball and spawning the final fusion coil.

    Kill ball starts at top and rolls down. Make it roll faster by using a steeper slope.

    Have the coils spaced out to explode on your repeat timer. You can trigger multiple messages by using multiple coils. No more being tied to pesky 0.1 second intervals!

    Have the last fusion coil send a message zulu. All objects should be scripted to respawn/reset selves on zulu, which will let the timer repeat.

    ****, I should make this contraption a prefab.
    Yumudas Beegbut likes this.
  9. Yumudas Beegbut

    Yumudas Beegbut Legendary
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    Yes! But exchange the cores with barrels. We can jump over those as they roll down. And when they give us Brute bodies or toys, we put one of those up on a higher shelf. Then boom! Classic mini game.

    Step 2: Prefabs of working reliable mechanical parts that can be connected together. Then everyone can make Rube Goldberg contraptions.

    Step 3:

    Wait, should I actually post the scripts to make timers that count game cycles? Just need a grenade (or whatever) with <Damage> and (Health) <Message> scripts plus looping scripts that activate every cycle like
    (Multi Power{Master}=On, Power{Cycle}=Toggle)
    <Power{Cycle} Toggle>

    Let me know if you want the whole thing.
    Sn1p3r C likes this.
  10. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    can someone tell me more about this bug/glitch that's sprung up recently where this type of timing based scripts don't work very well?

    I tried the method described in the OP and made a proximity door, but sometimes it doesn't work.

    I also made a rolling normal physics "wheel" as part of a larger experiment I'm working on, but this doesn't work about half the time.

    I am not really up to speed with forge development and support as I have not owned a XB1 and only got forge a few weeks ago for PC...

    thanks for your help
    Yumudas Beegbut likes this.
  11. Yumudas Beegbut

    Yumudas Beegbut Legendary
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    The On Timer condition became unreliable in a recent update, but worked quite well prior to that. Many of us are hoping that fixing it was a priority for the next update.

    Movement and Rotation scripting has never worked well, which is a major shame since those could have made custom maps much, much more interesting.

    Even using normal-physics objects to make functional mechanisms is a challenge because collisions tend to tear them apart and welded objects can move out of their place within a group.
  12. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    Thanks. do we have any idea about future updates and schedule? what's the best source for news on that front?

    I found a good method for making my wheel roll, but the timer seems to be the thing making it not work intermitently
  13. Agent Zero85

    Agent Zero85 Legendary
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    Update has been confirmed to be in the testing stages for a release ish build. I predict this week we get the req reveal sheet, next week the live stream, then the subsequent update.
  14. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    that's encouraging! as stated previously, I have pc version of forge only... hopefully on the same schedule for updates?
  15. Agent Zero85

    Agent Zero85 Legendary
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    Spread the word to your players this is an xbox game, and that means pc glitches will not be patched like a pc game, that being said compatibility is a must in forge, so yes you guys will receive it at the same time.
  16. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    well thanks again, but I don't know where that attitude came from. I have no glitches that xbox users don't also have... it was the subject of this thread, afterall.

    as far as coming over to xbox... not a chance. I would much rather stay at 120+fps gaming as my new luxurious standard.
    (I have a 970 and halo 5 forge complex maps run at about 50% gpu usage) I'm never going to spend $300+ for another console that is outdated the day it is purchased... sorry if that offends people who have no input into my decision making process ;) At the same time, I will not tell you what to purchase or how to play, cool?
  17. Agent Zero85

    Agent Zero85 Legendary
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    Understandable, it brought that up because in the discord i'm in PC players always ask "when is the next update." "has the content browser been released" They act as if 343 studios is always on the lookout and patching the game every hour of the day. What i asked was to simply spread the reality, which is that they aren't a PC developer, and updates will come after they come out on Xbox One.
  18. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    faire enough...
  19. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
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  20. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    that would be a very welcome addition!

    in fact, the entirety of what they're addin to forge sounds very promising.

    as for scripting, I could see many maps being rescripted to make more efficient or just to make things work that simply wouldn't work, previously!
    #20 ExTerrestr1al, Dec 8, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2016
    Yumudas Beegbut likes this.

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