Has anyone heard anything about the fileshare system for Halo 5? I cant imagine that they will leave it out.
No word yet, as far as I know. We absolutely need it in game. It would also be good if we had online file sharing again. It makes it so much easier to share stuff when you can link directly to it.
It hasn't been comfirmed, but I know the CC's have said that they've stressed this to the guys at 343 that it is a must have.
I just sent a message to an Xbox friend who works for 343. He is usually pretty tight lipped but Ill see if I can get anything out of him.
It has been in videos in the past so it is definitely on their mind. Hopefully nothing got in the way of it getting implemented.
Please don't put your friend a postilion where they might lose their job by supplying information which is likely to be coming soon anyway.
No worries if its something he cant talk about he wont risk it. If I had to guess Id say they will release it at the same time they do forge.