Halo 4 UNSC Weaponry - Sticky Detonator, Railgun, Saw, Sniper Rifle, Battle Rifle, and More! - YouTube New weapon revealed: Saw. To me it looks like an LMG. I think these are all the weapons that will be available from the UNSC. Railgun looks awesome, but most of the weapons sound a little pathetic.
It is an LMG - "M739 Light Machine Gun" The way they describe it they make it sound like it's very similar to the RCP90 in terms of functionality. Looks like it plays like one too. Goldeneye: Train - YouTube
I blame the Japanese sound designer. They don't feel the same way about guns us 'muricans do. I like my guns to have a little "oomph" behind them.
If you were trying to correct him, you fail. he is talking about a LACK of an SMG (Sub-Machine gun) I think whats throwing off the sounds of the guns are every other noise in the game. And when the guy had a sniper, the announcer says something like "Snapshot" or "Slapshot?" Maybe its a new medal for quick scoping...
they all look great, and seem like they will do the game justice. I'm extremely happy with the sticky detonator because it opens up whole new strategies to the game -stick to teamate's head (Kamikaze) -stick to opponent's head (accidental Kamikaze) -stick to warthog (giant explosion on wheels) -plant it in a crowded doorway I am kind of upset with the sounds though, because they sound like someone opening a cash register.
Yeah, he gets it when he no scopes. Did anyone else realize that there is a scope on the shotgun now...? He Zooms in on the guy jumping in the air. He might of accidentally just used his Binocs.
@Cheeze Ummmm I think theres a scope on the shotgun already Cheeze... I like the railgun, it seems cool. Cant wait for Promethean weaponry to be announced!
Really? I find them to sound a lot more realistic now... Although currently they sound more similar to when working the pits on the firing range than they do to being right there when you fire them, but supposedly it sounds a lot different when you've got a headset on... As for the SAW, it looks beastly. And also, its a bloody Squad Automatic Weapon! Has no one here heard of the M249 SAW?
The SAW has been in many other games, but I can't think of any off the top of my head. Maybe Army of Two, Goldeneye etc. I hope we can edit the amount of ammo for all weapons.
whys everyone complaining about the gun sounds? all the sounds are straight from real guns... thats how guns sound guys. theyr supposed to sound real... you know from real life... yes I agree. many of you havent shot real guns. they dont really actually sound how they usually do in call of duty... sorry
I think the sounds need some editing, the transmission between recorded sound, and what you hear tends to be a little off. In addition, you also judge a weapon's power by the feel when you shoot, something I don't think they could replicate with a 360 controller, so they beef up the sound instead.
^ LULZ! Major agreement here. As for the question as to what guns I've actually shot... The M16A4 more times than I can count, same goes to the Baretta M9 and M870 Shotgun. Those I shot pretty much once a month, every month for two years while on Embassy duty. The M16A4 I also shot regularly as part of the USMC semi-annual qualifications. Aside from those, I've fired the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon. I've also gotten to fire M2 .50 Cal Machine Gun, and practiced firing dummy rounds with the M19, which is some beastly automatic grenade launcher. Those weapons, aside from a security course I did in Okinawa with the M249, I only handled once as part of MCT or Boot Camp. Additionally I got a lot of time in with the Benelli M4 Shotgun while part of Auxiliary Security Forces in Okinawa. I definitely prefer this over the M870 btw, but apparently the barrel is too long for room clearing operations, which is pretty vital for embassy duty. I think that's a pretty piss poor excuse though. So yeah, I've done a good deal of shooting. And no, I'm actually not fond of guns.