When I use this to extract screenshots, photoshop doesn't want to edit them, however when I use my online one I coded myself it does, but I can't extract a whole bunch at once so that's why I tried yours. Any ideas why it won't read the images in photoshop?
photoshop seems to open mine okay, but I am using PS7 which is sort of old now... are you sure it is a .jpg file you are trying to open? I don't mean to assume you have skipped a step, but if you do the extract of the file from your game save but not the actual conversion to a .jpg using this cmd prompt extractor, it won't be a file that photoshop could open. To those who say they can't drag and drop, try this: open CMD prompt Open Notepad paste location of extractor into Notepad add a space after that location add location of file to convert to .jpg surrounded by quotes "" sometimes it seems to not work for absolutely no reason, and when I do these steps over again (starting over completely) it works.... not sure why. Good luck
But I just checked it again and it does work when I use "open as" and open it as a jpg. I don't get why this tool would save it as a png though.
Interesting. I haven't tried opening them in Photoshop yet, but I did try with Gimp and it worked just fine. As for why the tool saves them as .png, I don't suppose it really matters; png is a common enough image format.
Actually, it does matter. The actual screenshot is in JFIF format, which literally means JPEG File Interchange Format. Therefore Halo 4 screenshots are really JPG images, not PNG images. The fact that .png screenshots open in GIMP means that the GIMP Devs were smart enough to read the file format from the file itself and not assume based on extensions. Furthermore, when I upload a screenshot that was saved as a png by this extractor tool to a site like imageshack.us, a site that I use because it doesn't ever save images in a different format (imgur and others sometimes do to save space or w/e), it saves the files as .jpg image. I know the developer did add all the stuff to quickly explore the information stored within the screenshot's save file, but it just doesn't make sense that he's managed to do all that and still get the file's format itself wrong. Why not just save it as a jpg in the first place? I mean, I'm a noob at coding (so what I made a screenshot extractor in php and a few minecraft mods in java, I still consider myself a noob) and even I figured out how to extract the image to the right format... in PHP.
you know, what's weird is that my copy of this extractor tool is definitely saving them with a .jpg file extension, so I'm really not sure why yours isn't. Hmm...
I just meant that if it's actually saving a .png, it shouldn't matter that it's a .png, and Photoshop should be able to open it. I didn't realize Gimp was opening it as a .jpg or that it actually IS a .jpg - my mistake.
Photoshop isnt your problem, neither is Gimp, ive used both in the past, and i almost always save as .png. I really don't know why, its just a habit, but photoshop can open, and save png's, well atleast cs3 could, and now that have cs6, it still can read pngs
it might be a windows thing then, because like I said... pretty sure mine are saving as .jpgs and on this particular laptop, it is a Vista OS so maybe that makes a difference?
Did you check the screenshots on your PC or the ones you've uploaded? Cause a lot of uploaders fix the extension and actually read the file's format from it's source.
v3n3's extractors do seem to spit out png's. This should be desirable, though (lossless, higher quality). If I'm assured a higher quality, I'd rather manually export the original file to another format if a forum requires it. As a side note, I have CS6 and it won't touch these files. Gimp opens and exports them.
You don't seem to get that the image itself is in JFIF (jpeg) format, v3n3's extractor just puts a .png extension behind the filename except for the proper .jpg. That is why certain programs won't let you open it, and that's also why some sites won't let you upload it. If you change the extension to .jpg it will work in CS6, or you can open it with "Open As" and select the image to open as a jpg image. I actually did my research for my extractor, it took me an entire 5 minutes or less to find out what extension to use. I didn't say photoshop was the problem, I'm saying this extractor is (sort of) the problem. It saves the images with a .png extension (the thing that goes after the file's name) while the images are in a .jpg format (the actual image itself), photoshop, and a few other programs too, doesn't like this, because it decodes the image into RAW (just assuming here, as that'd be the most logical thing to do if I were a PS dev) and if the image doesn't contain the right format according to the extension, photoshop thinks there's no image in the file.