Halo 4 Rumors

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by XxTexasHornxX, Jul 4, 2008.

  1. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    I agree, we are done with the story of Halo. It will never be "Halo 4". I think Bungie is clever because we think of Halo and think Master Chief. If any thing at all it will have no relation to Halo, only set in the same world. Maybe occuring years before, or years after.

    I think we should get some bad ass Elite game. One where you're kind of on the 'evil' side. You fight humans, and it's your mission to destroy the remaining Spartans. Because sometimes, it's really fun to be evil!

    Oh, and Bungie is currently working on a project. Don't believe me go to their site. It says they are. We don't know what it is yet, but we will find out eventually.

    Another idea I had was for Bungie to hand over some halo rights to Bioware. I think a Halo based RPG would be kick ass. That's because I'm a big RPG fan, and I also think Bioware could handle it really well.

    That is all...
    ~Randle $candal
  2. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Your forgetting that the game itself is more recognisable by how it plays, not who is in it. Whatever game Bungie make, it will look, feel and play like Halo, so who cares.
  3. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    Having Halo on the cover and Master Chief in the game would certainly help the revenue though.

    I guess the thing in Seattle would be a logical place to have word on this.

    I know it isn't Halo wars or Halo chronicles, and it wouldn't come out till 2010, but what does Bungie being a privately owned company change anything? I always thought that meant Microsoft no longer controlled them, so Bungie no longer had rights to anything Halo.

    Even with anything Halo out of the question, if Bungie were to ever make another FPS, (why wouldn't they after the money they got from this series?) it would still be Xbox's (maybe PS3's too) main title because it would still play the same. Maybe, a new game would be good because we can imagine the multiplayer still being the same, but it would give them a chance to make a fresh story for campaign.

    Is it too illogical that Bungie would talk about its next big project at one of the upcoming events?
  4. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    Halo 4... No.

    Marathon Series... Yes. It's more likely than Halo 4. They're going to announce it to us in a Bungie Update filled with gobs of code.
  5. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    any1 remember before halo 2 came out they said it might be cancelled for a game called Orion?
  6. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    the only thing i meant to wiki was the halo bible XD bungie hides it in a safe. Its their total collective archive of the halo universe information database. with every spoiler, ending, and fact intact.

    info on "The Halo Bible"

    also, if the game takes place of the events up to Harvest and then to reach, this is before Master Chiefs time. how can he be in it if the project is not around yet? maybe near the end, but I doubt it. Read Halo: Contact Harvest. John isn't even thought of yet. Highly ironic how the first major conflict with covenant and humans is with brutes, not elites, when everything afterwards was elites.
    #26 Aranore, Jul 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2008
  7. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
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    i dont think it will be a halo 4 really more of a pre game to halo ce.. or just a multiplayer online version.
  8. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    I think it would be really sweet if they just worked to perfect the multiplayer and didn't bother with the sh*t that is campaign. They wouldn't have to call it Halo 4 or worry about tying up the loose ends from Halo 3. Is it not a possibility that Microsoft would get Bungie to make Halo 4 with them since it would be more popular than a new title, and Microsoft is all about the money. Even if they didn't have the rights to Halo anymore, I could see Bungie making the multiplayer online version with a different name and characters easily since they wouldn't have to worry about a completely new story for campaign.
  9. Kevman

    Kevman Ancient
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    if bungie makes a halo 4 i will be really exited. i mean the halo 3 ending made completly no sense at all.
  10. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    What do you mean? Waaaaaaiiiiiiiit, did you beat it on legendary?
  11. Kevman

    Kevman Ancient
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    ya master cheif is drifting of to an unkown planet. thats the part i dont understand so he just drifts of to the planet and die?
  12. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    He was in cryostasis, not dead. And a lot of theories say that he's in an alternate reality.
  13. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    Forget the fact that the game hasn't been out for a year, and Microsoft has all the rights to Halo because this direct quote from the Cold Storage VIDOC sounds like information on a new game to me.

    "Our independence has us striving for becoming a multi-game studio and the first thing we're going to announce today is......." -Lukems
    "Wow wow, we're not annoucing anything yet" -Shishka
    "But dude it's Bungie Day, well ok it's a few days before Bungie Day. What can we announce?" -Lukems

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