Yeah, I guess she was trying to sound more manly or "aggressive". I mean I've heard her normal voice in the interviews and she doesn't sound very intimidating. I suppose they could have cast a more intimidating person but whatever, not a big deal. I liked all the future tech moments. The HUD on the cadets, depicting cyro sleep, the "computer" screens, and the academy itself looked awesome.
i like most everything about it. here are the things i disliked: the costumes. they just look lame and fake. some of the acting, as mentioned with the commander lady.
qft most of the stuff looks like cast foam the grunge looks almost entirely fake all the straps on stuff that they want to look old and worn down just look cracked to the point where any decent army would replace them.
I get the feeling the made this movie without any help from actual military people. The black commander chick in particular, when shouting commands only an idiot does it in a way that no one can understand what the **** she is saying. Her and the fact that just about everyone in it is a skinny ****. Yea sure they are only cadets and not everyone in the military has to be super buff or what not but These people look like Shuman. Bugger all muscle at all... I don't see them being able to run in full gear to be honest. But other than those two things so far it's pretty sweet. Love that warthog, glad I got to see it driven live last time I was in Wellington.
All the marines look like their armour is too big for them. In the games, the marines are bulky sobs but these guys look like they're made from paper. The Warthog is cool, shame it always looks like it crabs slightly. Such are the ways of four wheel steering AND four wheel drive combined.
how hard do you think t would be to re-record the section where the commander is yelling, cause right now, those two instances just made me shake my head, yeah, its OK for a halo fan, but from the viewpoint of a movie critic, it kills whatever this movie had going for it so far.
Yeah, fun fact, in every division of the U.S. military, every member of the army is required to start walking on their left foot. Drinking game idea: take a sip every time that doesn't happen.
I disagree with the costumes. I think they look as good as one could expect without actually making metal armor. The non armor uniforms all look like things you'd actually see in an academy.
They have to balance the relatively grunge free halo with messy reality. They could do better, but for translating a video game to live action I think it's pretty good. "every one of you is here because your parents are the upper echelon of the united nations space command" They're more likely training for command positions which don't require the normal conditioning of a soldier as much as understanding strategy. It also explains the defiance since every child of a general I've seen is unfortunately an uncontrollable brat when away from said parent.
I thought the armor was horrible at first at 4:30 it looks like a onesie. Later on at like 6:00 the suits look better (maybe the angles or something) I actually thought they where two different suits the first ones where intentionally crap practice suits.
Which explains every single student other than Lasky does anything but follow orders... As for the suits, the first ones might be as WWWilliam says because Lasky's cod piece looks like cardboard with circles drawn on with a sharpie marker. Take a look when he gets shot.
I'm just spewing speculation If those paint rounds were powerful enough to knock someone flat on their back they would put a pretty nice dent if not hole in cardboard.
He didn't get shot in the nuts dude. Also Honor Rules, probably told to drop when they've been shot rather than it actually knocking them down.
First thing I told Chuck when I started watching it, and reiterated when I finished was how bad the costumes are. It isn't even that they look fake or like they lack protection, they just look bad.