Halo 4 Forge ViDoc Parody

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by MIK3 WB, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    How was this not accurate?
    They highlighted everything that Bungie gave us in Forge 2.0 which was abruptly taken away in 343i's Forge 1.34.
    I feel like there was a lot of seriousness behind this. Perhaps more than you give it credit for.
    Granted they were more parodying about this than most people would put it, but there is 100% truth lying within this video.
  2. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    Because there are truths, but there are also blatantly false statements in the video. It is not accurate.

    It would be encouraging if they used the video to raise attention of a detailed, thorough change list. Instead, they conclude it with:

    "Please Help Forge" "Bring back nudge and zoom" "And fix a lot of other stuff"

    I think there is a lot more that could be said about fixing Forge than is addressed in this video. A big focus of the video are the Forge maps' being too small. Sincerely, I think if the Forge maps had actually been designed for Forgers, no one would complain about their size. The real problem that I see is that fundamentally, these maps are not built for Forge.

    I have yet to see a map that uses Erosion's default geometry. Even Grifball has abandoned Erosions tailor-made Grifball court! The map geometry is obnoxious and impractical, and the majority of the map lacks dynamic lighting which makes (floating) maps built on it look flat. Do you really want MORE of Erosion? Is making it bigger the solution?

    Ravine is confusing. Half the map is Forerunner, yet we're given only one Forerunner-textured piece. UNSC textures do not look good on the Forerunner side. The other side has an awkward, shallow trench right in the middle that has to be integrated into any map built in that area. The gulch on Forge World had flexible terrain that could be used in a variety of ways. Ravine is pretty much the opposite of that--if you want to make a large vehicle map, there's really only one way to use the map.

    Impact's biggest crime is the base. We should be able to delete it, but we can't. It is in the way. If you try to integrate it--good luck! There are NO Forge objects that integrate with the base's architecture, even if you ignore the fact that the base is at some strange 6 degree angle instead of being on an easy 45. It basically ruins what would otherwise be the most useable space on that map.

    We do need a large, empty space to build maps on--bigger than the Skybubble, bigger than Forge World's airspace. But I also want to see the problems with the current Forge maps addressed, not ignored.
  3. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Pete I think you're missing the point behind satire and parody. The video wasn't meant as a manifesto of change or a documentary to be studied. Details are embellished, lesser problems are emphasized, and they make light of a situation that has annoyed many people. All because it is a parody and something a parody is allowed to do. You don't have to like it, or find it funny, thus is the nature of humor. Just don't mistake the video for anything but what it is, a parody meant for attention. As Nutduster mentioned, this kind of video will garner more views and see the right eyes long before someone's list. You know why, because hundreds of people are making lists. Why pay attention to any one list? So even if it isn't 100% accurate, the point is most of it is and since it is a parody it points attention to problems that the people who have the power to enact change can see.
  4. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    The big focus of the video was just a joke but a joke that makes a point. They came up with it as a joke (arbiter617 even said so in his "rise of the Spartans part 9 PSA")
  5. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Yea I gotta agree what others are saying Pete. The point of this video is satire, but within that satire is a lot of truth. It highlights a lot of obvious issues with Halo 4's Forge. Just because they throw in a bunch of jokes and hyperboles for the sake of humor, the basic point stands.

    This video wasn't made to be a fact checker of any sort, it was meant to be funny while simultaneously pointing out significant flaws in Halo 4's Forge and Custom Games.
  6. Tallt66

    Tallt66 The Joker
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  7. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    Interesting... Certainly puts the narrative into clear perspective.

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