Halo 4 Forge Plans

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by aPK, Apr 13, 2012.

  1. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    who gets the FH copy?

    the leader, or a community elected Forge representative?
  2. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    I wish. That would be absolutely amazing. Though I don't really see anyone on Forgehub getting early access to be honest.
  3. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    who knows if we were even picked, we haven't had the best history.
    but if we were, you can be sure that its top secret.

    we did get early access to sandbox but that was ages ago.
  4. Redy

    Redy Hipster
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    So, basically ForgeHub was created before the 1th Forge announcement In Halo 3?
  5. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Foundry came out before sandbox.

    Anyone know if where able to force selected loadouts in a halo reach way in custom games. Or is every game going to use the COD spawning system.

    Because that is heavily going to effect and possibly limit my map designs and minigames.
  6. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    Can you elaborate for an ignorant person? What is the CoD spawning system?
  7. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    He means spawning with your own customised loadouts.
  8. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    I have much wishes, but one is the most important. I know this really wont happen, but how awesome would it be, if you could place your own allies and enemies, make your own missions from start to finish. I expect much from forge, but i dont know if i really should. My other wishes is just placeable nature, snow / sand / rain and storm / time of day change. Alternating the terrain (Is not going to happen, i know) And maybe.. a placeable mammoth (Stranded mammoth desert map idea :p) Improved lighting, but i believe that is already done. Ladders maybe?
    Still i have very much forge ideas for H4, including my upcoming campaign. And minigames.
  9. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    Plan on a football variant now that you can throw the grifball. sweet.
  10. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    I actually made a fully functioning football game in Reach because you could throw the ball couple meters but no where near as far. (never released it just to play with friends locally the aesthetics where horrible)

    I just hope they have "forced loadouts" like Reach so I can force everyone to have certain weapons because I wont be able to recreate it without that feature. Can't just change "Damage to 0" so everyone's random guns don't do damage it would look super dodgy and and lose the effects of certain weapons like swords long range melee.

    Guess I could but it would be extremely subpar.
  11. wade

    wade Forerunner
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    The Matrix (red pill)

    I have been working on this map concept ever since I heard about the new player trait zones in Halo 4. The idea is this.

    There will be two separate worlds that players can move back and forth between via teleporters. There will also be two teams, the red team will be humans, the blue team machines. The real world is a post-apocalyptic hell where humans have been forced underground into subterranean sewer tunnels. The Matrix world will be a projection of a healthy human urban environment.

    In the "real world" players will move slowly and have very little damage resistance. The humans will have to use the few vehicles and weapons that they have to fight off the advanced heavy weaponry of the machines.

    In the Matrix, players will be able to manipulate the rules of physics. i.e. run much faster, jump higher, resist more damage, feel less gravity, ect... The world will be filled with tall buildings. These building will be covered in lots of ledges, fire escapes, scaffolding, and other bits that will make for very exciting chases and attacks in this matrix-speed world.

    All players, human and machine, will spawn in the real world. The game will consist of the humans going into the matrix to complete different objectives. (I am not completely decided on what these objectives are going to be.) The machines will either be able to go into the matrix to defend the objectives directly, or use their wide selection of heavy and light vehicles to make their way down the tunnels, breach the humans base, and stop them form entering/exiting the matrix in the first place.

    I also want to have explosives that re-spawn every 5 seconds placed on all of the humans' tele-reciever nodes that return them to the real world. These nodes will all be inside the "Nebakanezer" next to a large window looking out over the entire matrix environment. The "Nebakanezer" will be docked to the human base/ "Zion."

    In order for the humans to return with their objectives to the real world, they will need to have an "Operator" watching for them so that he can clear off the receiver nodes when they reach the senders in the Matrix world. Obviously the Operator will not be able to do this if the machines have breached the walls of the base and killed him...

    The "Agents" and "Keanu Reeves" characters will be created by custom power-ups. They will be even faster and stronger that everyone else inside the Matrix. I was glad to hear that you can create ordinance drops that only appear after certain objectives have been completed. This will allow me to make the humans "retrieve Neo" from the real world before they actually get a player who can fight back single handedly against agents.

    After seeing all three new forge environments I am getting a little concerned about where I will be able to construct this map properly. I can't believe that out of three environments I didn't get a single large open area with a normal looking sky. I guess maybe I can make Ravine work, compress the city, and just use the floor of the forerunner area the sewer tunnels. Unfortunately that damn giant forerunner tower, and the giant cliff are going to be looming over the whole Matrix city. Pretty terrible for an "illusion of reality."

    Here are a few sketches I have made of the general layout. Please forgive my kindergarten finger-paint artistic ability...


  12. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    So let's liven this thread up again, I see Wade's got a plan for H4.

    What are your forge plans guys, now that you have a decent idea of the maps/pallets??

    Since the forge pieces are probably 90% similar, I am going to remake one of my unreleased maps that were made pretty late in Reach's era.
  13. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
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    I'm going to rebuild my spaceship maps (Star Destroyer & Enterprise) on Impact, so they can have a nice space backdrop.
  14. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
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    My Halo 4 forge plan is to play the game for about a month before designing anything. I want to understand the sandbox as well as possible before trying to design for the game, as well as the object pallet and terrain in forge. Eventually though I am sure I will be doing some BTB and squad competitive maps with vehicles, as that is my preferred map size in Halo. I have 1 idea that may or may not be re-imagined for Halo 4, probably on Ravine if I do it.
  15. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    ive got a competitive symm that i want to build roughed out in maya,
    but besides that, my plans are pretty much the same as Shoe.

    ive got some ideas for BTB on erosion, but its all just gonna have to wait to see how it flows and see more details of the map.
  16. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    I plan on making a game you've all played before, but it's not in H4 ;)
  17. wade

    wade Forerunner
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    Ok, so I think I have figured out where I want to set up the "Matrix" map. It will be set on Ravine. The two "real world" bases will be on the forerunner section of the map, almost sitting back to back with each other. The sewer tunnels will snake out from the far side of each. They will then drop down into the ravine and use the natural snaking rock sides of that for a long straightaway section in the middle. (Hopefully it will be wide enough for the large vehicles to fit through.)

    If forge is still offering the giant colosseum walls that were mentioned in an earlier Halo4 forge preview video, I will use one of those as the base of the city, covering the main land mass of the map. Maybe letting a little grass and rock peek through for some urban park areas and such. The land seems pretty uneven, and it has that awkward looking, forerunner sided chute running down the middle of it, so the parks and rocks may all have to be near the back of the city..

    Again, If anyone wants to help me out building a super bad ass downtown Matrix city let me know. I want it to end up playing like a super-speed Parkour playground, with the most beautiful and unique looking buildings possible.
    #197 wade, Oct 12, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2012
  18. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    I designed a small 1v1 map a while ago for Reach. Obviously, it suited Reach well because of the slower movement speeds, but with sprint and faster movement in Halo 4, I'll need to redesign it to be larger and probably add more routes and avenues of movement.

    I also thought an urban BTB map that utilises the Mantises. I won't be able to do it if the framerate issues aren't fixed, though.

    I also thought of a symmetrical competitive 3 storey map set at the top of a building, with a central atrium where people from all floors can look down onto, where the main power weapon spawns (most likely rocket launcher, but possibly incinerator cannon).
  19. Rethal

    Rethal Ancient
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    I like wade's idea.
    I kinda fell off the map in forge for Reach, even though it was much easier... it just wasn't the same. I missed Foundry and Avalanche as forging bases.
    Kinda want to see that forging is still workable on other maps than those three canvasses, though. Longbow could make for some fun stuff!

    Anyway, wade, before I read your second post I was going to suggest the underground place as your set. The water would be perfect for sewers; of course, though, you've already decided so my suggestion is probably void.

    Edit: HA no pun intended above.
    Also HOOOLY CRAP my everything is real old. Siggy, posts... daaaang.
    #199 Rethal, Oct 17, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2012
  20. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Im try again and remake some ODST maps for reals this time.

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