Greetings. I am new to Forge Hub, and I was browsing the website for a few days now, and I decided to Forge in Halo 4. However, I seem to notice whenever I save and exit the map, and go back to the map a few minutes later. The objects slightly moved. I notice it if I click on an object, and then go to Edit *Sighs* (I don't know how to spell it, but press the B button, and its the first choice on the very top) But anyways. If I click that, the will shift alittle. making it aline. I don't know if that's part of the game? or I'm doing something wrong. If anyone can tell me if I am doing something wrong, let me know. I hope I can show my maps, and I hope I can get lots of help and tips from you guys. Thanks in advance if I don't reply in a couple of days.
Fortunately, you aren't doing anything wrong. Unfortunately, this happens in forge on every Halo game. It's a result of the way the game actually saves maps. We've been praying for a fix since Halo 3. Our prayers haven't been answered yet.
Ok, thank you. I have been wanting to know for a few days now. Thank you for your answer. I now understand it... It's something I'll have to live with. Untill 343 fixes it, which'll be like never in Halo 4, Reach, or 3... *Sad Face* Again thank-you.
I don't understand what makes this happen. My initial thought would be rounding, but if you have an object at 42.0 it would be moved to 40.027510... (you get the idea), so it's not that.
i heard the way to fix this in reach was to manually offset the pieces to the position they shift into yourself after you placed them with coordinates. it worked for collisuem walls at least. on a related note, anyone else run into an annoying bug in forge where you'll move or rotate a piece and it'll turn a little bit? i'm not sure if my controller is messed up or what (well i opened it to take the motors out), but it's been happening ever since the latest patch. makes it really annoying to freehand because it always offsets the piece when i first select it.
I may be wrong, but this is what I've gathered from reading bits about it... There is a point of reference on each object (on a block piece it's essentially in the center of the block, for example). That point of reference is what is saved to a coordinate point. If the piece is not snapped to a coordinate, that reference point is still saved to its current location. However, the fact that only that one reference point is saved for each piece means that the piece can shift around that point slightly. For example, the center point of a block will not shift, but the edges of that block may end up tilted (one side of the block raised and the other side lowered). The amount of potential shifting (in degrees) is the same for each object, but large objects will seem to shift more just because a 1 degree shift on a large object is much more noticeable than a 1 degree shift on a small object.