They brought back friendly fire in Flood? smh 343... When something (like betrayal in Infection) becomes a big enough problem in Reach that it needs to be taken out, why would they think it was suitable to bring it back now? The same thing applies with magnums needing to be taken out of H3 snipers gametypes, but once the magnum was upgraded to a pocket-BR in Reach, it was then suitable to bring it into the snipers playlist... All of my what.
I've always called it "Screen Peeking." The funniest thing I've heard it called was "Screen Scamming" From my rich cousins.
I've never heard it called anything other than "screen-cheating". And yeah, Complex needs to be fixed pretty desperately. It's not even a tricky jump to exit the map. Wouldn't it be just as easy as merging some sandbags into that spot in the wall? Either way, needs to be fixed and damn soon it pretty much breaks Flood and Oddball. Speaking of Oddball. HAS ANYONE BEEN PLAYING ODDBALL!!! I am actually in love with Oddball in Halo 4 which something I did not expect in the slightest.
I GOT VENATOR LEGIT My life's work is now complete. All i need to do is find a way to get the Legendary Edition unicorn armor, and I'll literally never have to play again.
If you get to rank 50SR and do all the specializations all the way through you get the Unicorn Armor.
I honestly think that Team SWAT on Complex is the funnest experience I've had on any Halo game. Literally it's the funnest thing ever. I'm in love. Edited by merge: Wait also so I read the bulletin, sounds like swat is only temporary... Is that true? Why?!?!? It has always been a permanent playlist in the previous games, why would they take it out now? It's looking to be an extremely popular playlist in H4 so far, and it's personally always been my favorite gametype. DON'T YOU DO IT 343
Correct me if I'm wrong, but FF wasn't turned off in Reach infection, betrayal booting was due to the betrayal glitch caused by the kill trade window. I don't think FF has ever been turned off in Infection, though I'm the last person to try and speak from experience on that front.
Ah OK. I'm guessing that was only to combat the griefing that ensued from turning of betrayal booting? If so, then no more kill trade window issues (which, actually, isn't true, but I dunno if they've admitted it, or if they've fixed what it did to Infection specifically), means betrayal booting can be back on, which means FF can be back on, right?
They will rotate playlists, next up is Team Snipers. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Interesting, very interesting. Halo 4 - Spartan Ops Episode 3 Trailer - YouTube
It's probably for the same reason why they left out so many gametypes in general and why you have to unlock so much stuff: to keep people playing the game even after it's been out for months.
Well, the game is supposed to be played for years.. I find it interesting that they rotate the playlist, but i would rather have that they just keep them in list. Edited by merge: Oh and i enjoy Regicide much more then i did earlier, if your the king for the whole match you feel so godly, i had it two times just now.I played like 20 games next to each other . I like how the announcer says KING SPREEEE! I have developed my best loadout and playstyle now for that gamemode. The spartan ops trailer looks interesting too, Halsey makes an appearance. And check out CertainAffinity,s video.. They show something really cool at the end IMO. Halo 4 Forge Tutorial - Trait Zones and Gravity Volumes - YouTube
dat train. we were messing with those crates and grav volumes last night and they kept freezing in place and would not do what we wanted, so im like 0_0 how did they make the damn thing do that. some other ramblings: 1) i am now singing the song of the monitor's people. Wheeewww-wheeee-whoooo OVER AND OVER AND OVER. 2) Does anyone else thing the ranks go by too fast? I know i've been playing a lot, but really, its still too fast. 51-52 takes like 3 games. imo, after 50, every level should be enormous. i miss how Reach had such insurmountable exp amounts between all the super high levels. with the way it is in H4, we'll be seeing SR130 by christmas.