Something tells me there isn't all that much left to be discovered, so my hopes down the drain. But we'll see.
You're hoping for that? Here's what I'm hoping for: Tomorrow...Overkill: How One Man Exterminated The Hopes And Dreams OF A WHOLE COMMUNITY With One Hasty Mistake pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease
Lol ok, poor word choice. I have faith in him to do so. You're right that I seriously hope that faith is misplaced.
"Tried to scale out a sanc on a very small piece of flat grass i found and every time i try to geo merge it pushes out by itself..........." idk what "sanc" means but He could just mean when merged with the default terrain(or he didn't do it right) so we may still get to merge with other forge objects meaning we only have 3 skybox's to work with. I haven't even bought halo 4 yet, and wasn't planning on doing so until price dropped. But now I might not even at all. If I can't forge complicated maps and i can't play BTB objective games and I can't make customized gametypes for minigames and matchmaking system I don't particularly like with drop ins ruin my way of playing and make a ton more leavers. I don't see a point. (cant even go back to reach because 343i ruined reach for me)
Sanc = Sanctuary. I'm pretty damn sure we can merge objects with other objects, but losing geomerging is still a pretty crushing blow (if we have indeed lost it, which Frankie's comments call in to question). People complain enough about everything being grey, not incorporating natural geometry etc., if it's straight up impossible in Halo 4 then things are only gonna get worse. Hopefully this is just a missed setting, but I still don't see why it wouldn't be enabled by default.
Calm down, Quasimodo. I was only saying that franky is full of **** for thinking that only 1% of halo players care about ranked.
All right, at this point I'm ready to pack up my bags and move to Murder Miners. I bought the game, too. Although that's not saying much. 343, y u no include geomerging?
No geo-merging? Are you joking me? How are they allowed to get away with that? Halo Reach had geo merging. What the ****.
I'm as panicked as anyone, but we have to give at least some weight to what Frankie has said about Overkill not learning the UI. I wish he'd just straight up confirm or deny the existence of geo merging and coordinates. That'd clear this up pretty definitively, and considering they already confirmed coordinates aaages ago I can't see how it'd be against any NDA.
Why would geomerging get scrapped when it looks like it works perfectly fine in an old build of H4 Forge?
Man 343i & Microsoft really need to get their **** together. Entire Campaign has been streamed through twice and the ending of H4 is up on youtube. Microsoft, keep **** confidential so you don't have **** like this happen 3 weeks before the game is released.
that is indeed some terrible news, if true. i'm more inclined to believe Frankie's post about him overlooking features of the UI in his haste to tell the internet everything. but if its all true then i will be very upset. Lol at the people saying "haha now what do you have to say, optimistic titmar! we told you so this game sucks! yes!!" does anyone actually know Overkill? is he a hyper teenager, eager to spill the beans on the internet first and get his e-fame? or is he someone who would have taken the time to figure out something he may have overlooked? honestly im gonna laugh my ass off if you can still nudge and still geomerge, and he was just doin it wrong. but hey, if forge is ruined *shakes fist*
I don't always see eye to eye with Overkill, but I don't think he has any inclination other than to give a heads up to interested parties. And to be fair, even he has used somewhat reserved terms. There's a difference between "I can't find it for the life of me" and "it's definitely not there."