hahahaha I know right. I guess the staff just got too excited and wanted to see the news too. But forreals, anyone have any info on whether or not Sprint can be disabled?
Didn't see the leaked content till chrstphrbrnn posted it I want all little details all custom game options pretty much. Kill cams in slayer annoying, Banshee doesn't look like maps are big enough to fly a banshee comfortably, Mantis has a regen shield visual effect makes it feel little more balanced.
Technically we disallow leaked images/video. Discussion, and things other people have leaked in written format online, seem to be a-okay.
I'm fine with technicality's Idk if its same thing but i would build hole bunch of moveable vehicles/objects/fusion coils in same corner of a map to push the limits then try building bunch of stuff near corner, if doesn't lag doing that should be fine. But if someone has a would be nice to get them to test it
No option to remove auto flag grab. No option to allow flag dropping. No assault. Grifball: check Started a thread at waypoint about it. Probably pointless, but it's worth a shot. http://https://forums.halowaypoint.com/yaf_postst120664_No-option-to-change-autograb-drop-flag.aspx
Jesus. People are down voting him to oblivion. I guess no "thank you for valuable information." Edit: errr never mind.
Fixed link and "This post has been edited by a moderator. Please do not post inappropriate content. This includes leaked content, real or fake." Idk your sources but if you know you can turn off sprint do you know or able to find out if you can turn off the COD loadout system? (so basically force people to spawn with weapons with the gametype?) Grifball would indicate you can but can't be certain because grifball would indicate you can drop the flag.
Not sure about that one. I would hope so though. If you're implying that I have exclusive sources, I don't. I just lurk neogaf and they always have the most up to date halo news.
Am I the only one who noticed how quickly the mantis driver's shields took damage from what seemed to be BR shots throughout the video? If those were BR bursts, and that is how the game ships, I think that the mantis will actually be balanced. But how could they have been BR shots if a mantis driver survived a laser? There must be a weak spot for small arms fire (cockpit?) despite what the 343 interviewee said. BTW, nutduster, who is anti-halo on FH? Or are you talking about a different forum with fans of other FPSs? There are halo fans who haven't liked many of the changes in Reach or 4, but I don't think you meant those people if you're saying that it's ironic that "anti-halo" players play a lot of Halo, because then that wouldn't be ironic.
If you get into the mantis from the top and the cockpit is at the top as well, why does it have a giant *****?
For all the classic guys: Halo 4 Competitive Settings & Options ft. Kevin Franklin - YouTube Slayer Pro Playlist at launch -4v4 -DMR/AR/BR only -No sprint/AAs -Increased movement speed -1 Frag -Everyone has Resupply
lots of cool info in that video! -oddball passing -bonus points for catching the oddball -bonus points for interceptions that is super awesome imo -swat is only dmr/br blech... why not LR and Carbine? -CTF discussion at 10:40 -custom settings for ordnance drops are really deep (16:45) sounds pretty excellent, should provide a lot of options for customs and minigames
So much awesome in that video but they reminded me about dropin-dropout systems completely forgot about that now I can't help but be cynical. There is so much potential to make awesome custom gametypes but it depends on how they implemented it, (I'm fine with non droppable flags in matchmaking but why not let us choose that option custom games) I hope "Slayer pro" and "swat" and "infitiy slayer" are possible to make from a "slayer" gametype. Meaning all opinions to are customizable by players. Unlike reach gametypes where certain rules where forced like elite slayer wasn't a choice in gametype is was its own forced rule gametype, I hope "slayer pro" etc aren't all there own forced rule gametypes that we can't customize.
I'm not looking forward to drop in/drop out. For some reason I liked when my team was down a player or so.