It was under the premise that 343i would not provide the option to not play as the flood or allow the infected to equip other weapons especially considering well... they have a habit of changing things for the sake of change, weather good or bad. Like for instance, changing the difficulty emblem. But as it stands, I was corrected and the case may very well be that the hand really is a reskinned sword specific to the Flood gametype and we may be able to equip other weapons to the zombie as provided by the screenshot a few posts back. But that's going a bit far for now.
VALHAAALLLLLAAAAA! So happy right now. I don't know why everyone has mass-decided the DMR will ruin the map - I think it's still going to slaughter every BTB map from Reach combined.
Look so now we have 3 small-mid size slayer maps (Haven, Adrift, Solace) and 4 large BTB maps ( Longbow, Exile, Complex, Valhalla). Only 3 maps left, let's hope at least 2 of the 3 are smaller maps.
You might be in luck as I have heard it, (I think cluck said it a page or 2 back) that it can support at least ghosts. I'd classify that as a medium sized map. So 3 small-medium, 1 medium, 3 BTB and 3 forge environments. So 8 revealed out of 13. Here we go:
Do the forge environments really count as 3 of the 10 multiplayer maps? I hope not, 7 true maps isn't enough.
No, they don't. They are their own separate maps. So 3 more awesome matchmaking maps yet to be revealed along with 2 more forge environments.
I'm very pleased with the map selection so far. The only map that doesn't look very good is adrift, but even then it is probably better than most reach maps. I do however hope that the unrevealed maps are on the smaller side.
im kind of hoping for an actual full BTB size map, like sandtrap or avalanche size. Longbow looked fairly small for a BTB map, and exile looked even smaller. and even valhalla is capable of 4v4 without being too open.
Oh snap. I just had an interesting idea for floodfection. Instead of a standard respawn system, they should have it work where you can only be temporarily killed (I seem to recall that the flood would do that sometimes), and after 5 or 10 seconds you rise back up to attack again. Like you've regenerated or something. It would promote movement because the humans would be endangering themselves if they keep putting down flood closer and closer to where they are camping. And the game could have failsafes - like if you fall off the map you get a regular respawn, or same thing after you are "killed" 2-3 times (basically to prevent someone from shotgunning you and then just camping your corpse and blasting you as you rise up again). Or they could give you a few seconds of temporary health boost after you rise up, which would force the humans to run like hell any time they kill a few flood in the same general area.
yesss. Complex and Valhalla! I might play BTB for once and dem flood, I could see some nice creepy gametypes come out with those flood.