You know what I want in forge, More moveable objects. Opens up so much more possibility's even if it takes up more memory or framerate or something it's all well and good moving walls around to make our own maps but i miss foundry's elevators and "Press RB" receive shotgun out of vending machine kinda stuff. (there mainly for casual games but still use small aspects of them in competitive maps)
This may be breaking from the simplicity that Forge boasts, but I wish that we could designate movement paths for objects,and then execute them in custom games, like having a building rotate slowly and you have to see how long you can stay on. Also, the duplicate option would have been really useful if you could duplicate many objects at once (eg. copy a giant warthog launcher and paste a duplicate somewhere else on the map.)
ill just leave this here
It's only for multiplayer I believe, kind of like the new infection. They look like that because A) they need to keep the same hitboxes and B) They're Spartans that were infected. Pretty sick.
I'm trying to figure out why two of them are yellow and the other is orange. Also, the energy swords look weird. At first I thought their arms were swords.
It's probably like color coordinating zombies and alpha zombies in Halo 3 or Reach. That's probably the point. They're going for a more realistic look, instead of just green spartans that run around with energy swords.
I understand that. I just wasn't sure if those were what the regular energy swords look like in the game (as I don't recall seeing pics of the H4 sword) and I wasn't sure if the zombies were holding reskinned swords or not. I can't make out if those swords are their limbs or if they're just holding those swords, but the former would make a lot more sense.
I think they're the equivalent of re-skinned swords except they're part of the flood's body, just like Hunters can't drop their FRG thing
That's going to make infection a lot more interesting. The unique Flood sounds (I assume they'll have them) will really add to the atmosphere as well.
It will definitely make Infection creepier. Which will help with the atmosphere in forge made Infection. Also I was reading some comments on some pictures that were posted to facebook and its quite humorous how uninformed the general public are. Maybe we're just too informed with the goings on.
Is it just me or what because I have that bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that with Flood as the new infection gamemode, that we are will not be able to choose if we want to be a normal spartan or not. I don't know, it just seems like something 343i would do to break yet another classic gametype. Not to even mention we haven't received any bad news lately either. So I'm thinking this is that bad news. Food for thought I guess. On another note, Halo 4 has finally gone Gold.