I think the dynamic lighting will help yea but it won't cure the blandness if the grey scale is all we have. I do it likely that we will get different textures though. Why make multiple forge maps available at launch if they will all have the same look?
Well I can't argue with the option of more forging canvases because varied level geometry is always a good thing when you are incorporating some of the map itself into your whole build. I would hope for some kind of texture swapping system but would be strange that they wouldn't have shown that off at the forge demo since they were showing key features and improvements at the convention.
That it was. So it H4 actually going to come out when they say it will or will there be another repeat of H3? By the way Teetmare, you are the kebabian bear of diamond metal fur.
Texture swapping makes even less sense if they are having multiple forge based maps. It would be a cool concept sure though but I reckon only on a small scale like with pallets or signs and stuff. Otherwise the map file gets to big and we end up fighting framerate again.
i fear that we'll have an even worse battle with framerate due to the new lighting system, and also we may end up with all sorts of weird lighting glitches. we'll see though, im still optimistic. what would be nice is if they gave us a little meter that warned you when you approaching too much **** in a any given area, similar to how the Trials editor does.
I can't even grasp at how much more complex trials map editor is compared to forge's after seeing all the community made content. I wish forge was as in depth. to me, the simplicity of forge is a burden, and limits creativity. If only we could create maps on a higher level of detail.
Heh, yea I doubt we'll ever be able to remake a level of Mario or the full game of pacman with Halo lol.
when i say customs, i mean local customs, my bad. as in split screen, which was all i played in halo 3, lan parties with my friends. but it was basically impossible to do in reach. and yeah no **** its easier to forge in reach, they obviously made great improvements in that regard, my other point was just that i thought forging in halo 3 was more enjoyable than reach. ease isnt the same as fun.
I tried forge in H3, tbh, while the structuring was a pain in the ass, I loved the pallet variety. I tried to make something in foundry, but I gave up because my OCD wouldn't let me make angles that were not at 90[sup]o[/sup] or any other precise angle.
ah yes, because you had to do a bunch of bullshit to even be able to place something at the right angle you wanted. yeah, i miss that so much. SO fun. anyways, sandbox / foundry as #2 and a giant covenant ship hangar (like that one firefight map, but much larger) as #3... that would be amazing and offer such a kickass variety of environment to forge in, it would take a long time to get old. and of course we could go into space on the covie level. and also wtf happened to being able to forge on every map, that is something i really do miss from H3
ya, wtf?... i want to be able to forge on all of the maps.. maybe not as large of a pallet as the forge worlds.. but atleast something that can allow you to build a great forged map on any multiplayer map.
exactly. even if they only gave us those silly box tunnel things, with the capabilities of forge 3.0 we could come up with some cool stuff. but yea, i highly doubt thats going to happen. we'll get the 3 forge worlds and then we'll be able to change weapons and scenery on the others and thats it. oh well! not really that big of a deal i guess.
I can't see how this isn't a far better solution, giving the map designers the freedom to use up all of that processing power on their map features, and also giving us more than one map dedicated solely to forge.
just an opinion man, no need to get all condescending. maybe i enjoyed coming up with more creative ways to accomplish what i wanted and having to think everything through before doing it.
I agree in terms of "to each their own," but I kinda get why Titmar is impatient with this attitude, even if his sarciness towards you was perhaps misdirected. People who actually expected Forge to be designed around this attitude, rather than designed to make map creation as easy as possible, better fulfilling its role as a tool rather than a game, were pretty damn annoying when the discussion first came up pre-Reach. Now I know you specifically stated that this was just your perspective, and that you didn't expect Forge to be designed on this basis, hence me saying his sentiments were misdirected. But I can kinda identify in the sense that, when this point about enjoying the laborious nature of Forge came up again, I was reminded of the dumbass discussion that took place originally.
See, now instead of spending our time thinking "how can I merge this block where I want it?" we can actually spend time thinking, "okay, how can I make this map not suck?"
i remember the people who didnt want it to be easier seemed to have some sort of superiority complex going on, like somehow making it easier for the people who couldnt/didnt geomerge would be some terrible thing. on another note, the only map i want to make requires a human, foundry/rats nest type setting. thats like the one thing im most hoping for in the game
Exactly. If you want a challenge while Forging try doing it while holding the controller with you testicles or something.