The map looked fine IMO and layout-wise it looked pretty solid. Major problem I'm having with all these maps is the increased size due to sprint. They create more long hallways, segregated areas and if they do happen to stay more open, the distance you're fighting at becomes annoying/DMR dependant. I'm also not sure why what seems to be the high points are pretty much the bases. Also surprised no one's bitching about kill cams.
Dominion looks tons of fun, and would probably be a hell of a lot less complicated to build a Forge map around as opposed to the Invasion gametype. Much more refreshing to see a gametype like this. And as for kill cams, I'm not concerned about them one bit so long as they give us the option to implement them in gametypes. It really is just another way that 343 is trying to speed up gameplay. However, like CoD, you can easily use the kill cams to your advantage when in a game, it's quite fun leading your enemy to the areas where you'd want them to go.
the killcam thing and the other "COD-izing" things only bother me on principle. saving my rage for if it actually wrecks the game, but i really dont think it will. especially not the killcams, its not really a big deal. you could usually tell where you got shot from before anyway, if you even cared to take notice.
So now there is a rumor that infection will let the infected be the flood, and get to use claws and ****. I'll keep you guys updated if I find anything.
We can see other people's first person in the kill cam, so I bet it's likely we will be able to see it in theatre too
I honestly want to know why they implemented kill cams if they knew 1) they were going to be a controversial addition and 2) they kinda do have a negative effect on the game. If I'm sniping someone on the Dominion gametype (which I hope is not replacing Territories), and somehow doing a pretty good job of it, why should the enemy know my exact location? Past titles had the better option of just pointing your camera in the general direction of where you were killed and you could cycle through your teammates cameras and if you saw they needed help killing or clean up after they were killed, you could head over there and do so, but kill cams prevent that unless teammates are calling out, which almost never happens in MM.
New Vehicle is called the Mantis.. looks like the cyclops thing in the map adrift. "Master Chief will become even more powerful by taking control of this Mantis" (top left of the image)
YouTube - Halo 4 Developer Commentary: Dominion Multiplayer So you can call in vehicles and weapons to your bases. Also, there are "shields" that fortify your base over time. I wonder how that mechanic works I can see this dominion gametype being really fun. The only thing I hope is that a base can become "locked down" and permanently yours if you hold it long enough. I think that would make people value them more and add more strategy to the game
holy **** that is awesome about the Flood. i have some wonderings about that giant mech though... cant wait to see more about that. i wonder if it will be available in multiplayer or if its only in campaign? judging from how badass it looks i have to kinda guess that its campaign only, but damn it is still ****in sweet. hopefully Infection will still be as customizable as we are used to though. it would be pretty gay if it was just Flood with claws and vision only and no options to **** with. incineration cannon is epic
Dominion looks meh IMO. Too big for a 4v4, and I think a BTB game would be too chaotic. Who knows though. I've never been a big BTB kinda guy. Flood for infection sounds cool...but I hope they made default infection not poop first. Flood zombies aren't as fun if being the flood means getting killed by some asshat camping in a corner/outside the map every time you try and use those claws. Plus, I never play infection. Probably for the reason listed above. And killcams...really? Ugh. Fine. I'm not too impressed with this reveal (although the renders they put up were cool). I liked the Promethean trailer a lot, but this was meh.