@Paradis3, .............. Anyway, I thought the covie weapons trailer was pretty good. I love the new beam rifle as well as the carbine. Storm rifle looks bad. Concussion rifle looks annoying. I'm also worried about teams of people with PP in BTB; getting constantly EMP'd in a hog or something was annoying enough in Reach invasion.
They said that they nerfed the Plasma Pistol so I'm hoping people can't abuse it. Also it can now overheat in your hand so people can't run around for 2 minutes straight with it charged
Ooft dem weapons all be sexy. I think I love that Beam Rifle and Carbine, but for lolz, the Concussion Rifle.
I like the concussion rifle. It has a unique function in the weapon set and you can get some fun kills with it in weird ways sometimes (like bouncing people off the balcony on Countdown). However, the GL is the best new weapon in Reach and not bringing it back is a huge shame.
So, invasion is not coming back? Thats disappointing, but im sure they will find other gametypes that are even better, Like what if you could forge your own Spartan Ops, placing enemies, that would be my one wish But thats quite impossible i think. And yes, i quite liked the GL, but you have to be honest, this concussion rifle is far better then the reach one right? But we haven,t seen any gameplay of it, besides the trailer. And what about the SMG? That is my favorite halo 3 weapon, its an shame that the SMG doesnt return either.
It is a shame the SMG isn't coming back. They would have to bring back dual wielding as well though because who wants just one SMG? And I doubt they will ever bring back DW, so we'll probably never see the SMG ever again. But heres to hoping Halo 5 will!
Awkward game mechanic specially the controls, Trying to shoot,grenade,pick up weapon to shoot again for maximum dps so awkward. Which is why they made the AR more a AR/SMG mix making it CQC orientated in reach to compensate. I guess they could make SMG like akimbo pistols in COD where they are treated as one weapon but that would still be awkward and people be like "Why can't I duel wield pistols or duel wield pistol and SMG together" Duel wielding in halo is a cool concept but unless someone comes up with an amazing idea how to fix the awkward I doubt its coming back.
Dual wielding also prevents people from throwing grenades and punching people, two major aspects of halo in my opinion
That is true, but that is the sacrifice you have to make if you chose to dual wield right? It is pretty normal that you cant throw grenades while dual wielding, but punching should be possible.
Dual wielding also meant those weapons that could be dual wielded had to be balanced around having two of them shooting at once, which means for all other purposes (having only one of them) they kind of sucked. I'm glad dual wielding left. Duals just messed up the weapon sandbox too much. And I still think that Beam Rifle sounds so generically sci-fi and not awesome like they said. Everything else sounded/looked cool except for it and the SR in my opinion.
You guys are all silly. How can you possibly argue that dual Halo 2 needlers wasn't the most awesome thing ever?
because it was only good for people who just sprayed and prayed. You couldn't really conserve ammo, and if you chose to single weild, you couldn't pick up more ammo for a weapon unless, the gun on the floor had enough ammo for a full clip for itself+some extra
I'm pretty sure when an SMG/PR/etc was being dual wielded it's strength was reduced for each weapon. So whenever they were used alone they were still good in close range and average at medium range.
no, he waits a short time between shots. watch the heat bar (on the right side of the scope when zoomed). the first shot brings it up about 3/5 of the way, he waits half a second for it to go back down to about 1/4, then shoots again. it gets close to the overheat, but not quite. also i like the sound of it