Rememeber when they changed Multi-Team from a 2v2v2v2v2v2 playlist into a 3v3v3v3 playlist so they could add more four-way objective gametypes and maps. Yeah.. that worked out great.
I love Multi-Team. It's like a giant FFA where you can **** around. The only difference is there are 2 other people you can't shoot at. But I hope Race or Rocket Race gets its own playlist. If there is a MT playlist, or a Race playlist at all.
I love multi-team too. It's one of my favorite playlists in Reach. Actually, considering how badly they dicked up so many of the other playlists, that's not a high compliment - but I really do like it a lot. It has a pretty decent ratio of good gametypes and maps to bad ones, with only one reliably shitty experience (elite slayer) that is to be avoided at all costs. Headhunter and crazy king are chaotic as hell, but I enjoy riding the wave of chaos, usually to about 50 kills or so. Multi-ball is kind of stupid and random, but it's equally good for racking up lots of kills. Slayer is fine and the best team usually wins. Rocket hog race is good on Hemorrhage, horrible on any other map (but it's been a long time since anyone voted me into playing that on any other map). Overall, if I'm playing by myself, multi-team is my go-to playlist. Worse case scenario is that my teammates are terrible and I just ignore the objective and pay a visit to Stattin' Island.
I went 64-1 in a sword base oddball match on Multi-Team some time ago. Got a black screen right after my first rampage but still managed to get the unfrigginbelievable afterwards. And we even got second place!
Those must have been some amazing retards. Sword Base is actually kind of hard to not die on in my experience - even camping the reliable spots (ahem YELLOW LIFT) makes you a serious 'nade magnet. My personal best multi-team game was KOTH on Countdown. I stayed on the sword bridge the entire game, running back and forth between the "bubbles," and racked up about a thousand DMR and sword kills. But I think I still died 5 times or so. EDIT: 6 times. I found the game. +50... I almost feel bad about that.
Now that you mention it I think my game was KotH too so not getting killed was a bit easier than in other gametypes. edit: Ah, here's the match!/?game=1114409325§ion=Competitive Actually went 69-1.
Seems to hate? They spent all this time, effort and resources (pointlessly) revamping the gametype. We're going to be playing it. A lot.
I don't see why they had to remove the extra grenade from KoTH. It's really a casual playlist, so removing the obscene amount of explosives kind of lessens the experience (considering the crowd it attracts). I wish it could go back to 2v2v2v2v2v2, because it was free-for all on crack with a buddy. Not that it isn't anymore, but it's just a lesser version of it's former self. to keep this from being spam here's something related to halo 4: they released all the promethean info a few days ago. I really hope there's a lot more casual playlists and a lot more playlists in general, which is possible considering the crowd they're attracting. Flagstravaganza?
Sadly, I'm going to avoid CTF like the plague now. No thanks. And I think the majority will always be in the first Slayer playlist they see. Probably Infinity. Ugh.
I don't like the idea of an objective playlist. It's not that people don't like objective games, it's just that it's not so appealing in the playlist menu. I hope there's some sort of "general halo" playlist where it's 4v4 everything.
I will. It gets a chance. So did Speedflag. And Dino Blasters. 5 games. *Shudders at Reach Action Sack*
I know, right? I always wanted CTF to be one-dimensional. But on a more serious note, does anyone know if the Valkyrie emblem is confirmed? I couldn't see it in that vid where Eli went through most of them, but wanted to see if there was another source I could check in with. I'd hate to see it go. I'd also have to change my avatar. Damn.
oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that. From what i've seen, I think it's safe to assume that they're just adding in new emblems instead of replacing them. because there really isn't any point to taking any out.