Coupled with the fact that most of those games don't have real competition. LoL is fairly unique, TF2 is halfways a social experience, there are a couple other good RTS' but SC is the king with a huge pro following (and during most of original SC's reign, there wasn't much competition), Civ's one of the best of a dying genre. Halo currently sits near the helm of the most popular genre for the last 5+ years. Why did Halo 2 and Halo 3 have such staying power? Lack of competition. Nothing really competed against Halo 2 online and Halo 3 had little and less, other than CoD 4. Once MW2 hit, Halo 3 was all but killed, but still was at least that unique only-halo-can-do-this experience that you came back to play. Games like Reach feel too close to the rest of the pack, so they're not something people feel they need to come back to when the next CoD is out.
Halo 3 (2007-) and GTA IV (200 managed to get and stay up there (top 20 games on XBL list, most recent I could find was August 27th) on console. Probably because they are unique titles with a lot of time put into them. Sure the 'churn out a sequel until it dies' works, but these two staying on that list proves that it could possibly be done on console. True that the market is different, and that there are other (arguably more profitable) ways to stay up top, but it can be done (though maybe not under M$). That's all I'm trying to say. Imagine if those two still got constant support/big updates (and no looming sequels)? I'd easily bet they'd be in the top 5. Though this is a Halo 4 discussion right? I'd doubt we'll see that from Halo 4, or any game on the Xbox for a while. SO is a good idea, but I have a feeling season 2 will be the last season, which will be aimed at hyping people up for Halo 5, probably due to arrive in late 2014, if I had to guess. Sigh...
Frankie recently posted stuff on twitter about the remake and gave a hint saying a name I can't remeber off hand but if you looked it up on Google Images it looked something like Sandbox
couple pages old now dude. Though only you and I seemed to have made the connection to sandbox rather than sand trap.
Doesn't matter. He said it didn't have anything to do with Mexico. Fish Tacos = Longshore, as disappointed as that makes me.
Why would they make Sandbox? That map (in its default state) wasn't exactly popular. It was just a Forge playground really... Doesn't make sense to me.
I don't know if anyone realizes that they've been working on this game since 2009 (=3, almost 4 years) I assume that's an acceptable amount of time to pour into a game. Besides, Like someone said earlier, microsoft could have forced bungie to do a faster dev cycle if they wanted to, but obviously, they found some sense in keeping it the way it was. now for the factuals: Halo 4 was confirmed to not be a starter game for the 720. what does that mean? if halo 4 was going to be realeased anytime near the release of the 720, it would have been gravitationally pulled into the list of starter games. just relax, everything's gonna be alright. no one, no one, no oeoeoeoeoeoeoeoene...
what? of course halo 4 isnt going to be on the 720, its being released in like 2 months, the 720 isnt near being ready and obviously not going to be available anytime soon. i dont understand what you are trying to say or prove.
I believe he was referring to Sandtrap, not Sandbox. But really, as of now, it's either Valhalla or Longshore.
whoops, sorry. I meant Halo 5. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Well, I still don't see why the mammoth would be in the game if they didn't remake sandtrap,
they could possibly have made a different, original btb map suited for the mammoth or whatever, if its even in multiplayer. doesnt have to be a sandtarp remake
I don't understand why it would be Longshore, it was one of the last DLC's and hardly had an "OMG I LOVE THIS MAP" factor. So, I guess I'm at Valhalla again.
I also think it'll be Valhalla, even though it needs much alteration due to the inclusion of the DMR. Just kind of a gut feeling I have.
Longshore was a decent map with a fairly under used setting that bungie was really proud of but came out too late and wasnt really played. Makes sense.
Has Frankie hinted as to when they will tell us what the map is? Or are we just going to have to wait til november to find out?
I don't know why you think they hate CTF, just because they murdered it in an alley and then had sexytime with its unfortunate corpse. Oh right, that's why. Carry on.