Primary Weapon: Light Rifle The dissolve where it hit mechanic just made that choice clear as day for me, so move aside Carbine, you're going in Loadout #2. Light Rifle, #1.
I believe Shoes comment explains it perfectly. And your picture explains the campaign perfectly as well. There was never a doubt in my mind it was going to be amazing.
maybe it's a spartan ops taking place on a multiplayer map. Bungie reused Campaign locations for Multiplayer, so why not In spartan Ops too?
maybe its just a spartan ops mission taking place on a bridge. yeah, narrows is a forerunner bridge, im sure they all look pretty similar.
You cut out my reasoning for that, in any case, I think it is fairly reasonable to assume that it is a recycled multiplayer map from Spartan Ops, rather then a stand-alone multiplayer map with AI in it.
your reasoning didnt really back up the statement very much. i dont really think its at all reasonable to assume its a multiplayer map. not every location in the game is going to be a multiplayer map. what makes that space so likely to be one? just because its a bridge doesnt mean it has to be a map
i do agree that it looks very similar to narrows, but have you ever looked off in the distance on narrows? there are more bridges with the exact same structure. i dont really think that the forerunners had much creativity in their architecture, so if there is a bridge in campaign or spartan ops, its probably going to look like narrows. although i would love if they did bring back narrows, it was one of my favorite maps. but its not really a "large" map so i doubt the remake is it.
it also has reach HUD, reach armor, reach jackals, reach plasma nades, focus rifle and more. It's just prototype ****.
Remake Narrows - confirmed Jackals replacing Elites in MM - confirmed Scattershot has close cousin, the Clusterfork - confirmed Whole lot of info in that screenshot... lol I too wish Narrows was making a comeback, but it is very doubtful. It doesn't fit the description of the map they've been talking about very well. Still, I hope they think about Narrows and Guardian when they're putting forge palettes together this time. On another topic entirely, Boltshot functionality confirmed - the charge-up is a Mauler blast I hope (but doubt) it's pew-pew-pew mode is headshot capable.
Also, Focus Rifle confirmed. In all seriousness, the campaign looks like there is some serious effort being poured into it. It looks like it'll be really great. The Prometheans looks like great new enemies.
The prometheans look really cool. The only problem I see is that teleportation thing becoming a little too scripted and predictable. And don't worry guys, BlaqCloud can remake narrows for us